Assessment Of Nurses Knowledge Attitude And Practice Towards Pharmacological Pain Management And Associated Factors In Adult Care Units In Selected Hospitals In Wolaita Zone South Ethiopia 2021

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Effective pain management requires precise knowledge, attitude and competent assessmentrnskills. Nurses should have basic knowledge and develop a positive attitude towards painrnmanagement. Little is known about the knowledge and there is no evidence to understand thernattitude gaps and nurses' practices of pharmacological pain management by nurses working inrnSouth nation nationality people regional state of Wolaita Zone Hospitals. The aim of thisrnstudy is to assess nurses’ KAP towards Pharmacological pain management and associatedrnfactors in adult care units in selected public hospitals in Wolaita Zone South Ethiopia, 2021. Arncross-sectional research design was used to conduct this study from Feb -May, 2021; a simplernrandom sampling method was used to select public hospitals of Wolaita Zone. A total of 273rnnurses with a response rate (97.8%) participated in the study. Study participants were recruitedrnby simple random sampling and a semi-structured self-administered questionnaire was used torncollect data. The collected data were coded and entered into Epi data 4.2.0 and transferred tornSPSS version 25 for further analysis. A logistic regression model was used for an associationrnbetween independent versus out-come variables and considering the AOR, 95% CI and p

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Assessment Of Nurses Knowledge Attitude And Practice Towards Pharmacological Pain Management And Associated Factors In Adult Care Units In Selected Hospitals In Wolaita Zone South Ethiopia 2021