Nurse Managers Involvement In Decision-making And Associated Factors In Selected Government Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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In the healthcare system Nurse managers' involvement in decision-making had boundlessrnvalue to preserve cost-effective service and safe patient care. The nurse manager is drivingrnpower to ensure optimal health care service, despite this Nurse managers' decision-makingrninvolvement and associated factors were not well studied. This study aims to assess Nursernmanagers' decision-making involvement and associated factors in selected governmentrnhospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021. Institutional based cross-sectional study wasrnconducted among 176 Nurse managers in Addis Ababa selected government hospitals withrna response rate of 168 (95.5%). The total sample size is allocated proportionally. Arnsystematic random sampling technique was used. Data collection was done by using arnstructured self-administered questionnaire and checked, cleaned, entered into EP infornversion 7.2, and exported to SPSS software version 25 for analysis. Binary logisticrnregression model using bivariable and multivariable analysis method and P< 0.25 was therncut-off point to consider variables into multivariable from bivariable. A P-value of < 0.05rnwas used to determine the predictor variables between variables with a CI of 95%.rnMajority, 97(57.7%) were not involved in general decision-making. Those Nurse managersrnwho work in matron positions had 10 times good decision-making involvement than thosernNurse managers who work as a head nurse: (AOR = 10.00, 95% CI: 1.14-87.72, P= 0.038).rnThose Nurse managers who had managerial support had 5 times good decision-makingrninvolvement than those Nurse managers who lack managerial support: (AOR=5.29, 95%rnCI: 1.208-23.158, P=0.027). Those Nurse managers who had got feedback for theirrndecision-making involvement had 7.7 times good decision-making involvement than thosernNurse managers who lack feedback: (AOR= 7.70, 95% CI: 2.482-23.911, P= 0.000).rnThe study result showed that majority of Nurse managers had poor involvement inrndecision-making. MOH, AAHB, and administrators of the hospitals may be needed tornimprove the decision-making involvement of Nurse managers by providing feedback forrntheir decision-making involvement and supporting them.

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Nurse Managers Involvement In Decision-making And Associated Factors In Selected Government Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.