Assessment Of Family Care Givers Knowledge And Practice Of Caring For Children With Congenital Heart Disease At The Cardiac Center Ethiopia Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

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Background: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is one of the most common birth anomalies. Aroundrnthe world it has been estimated that children’s have one among 100 congenital deficits due to thernchromosomal abnormalities. In the last few years, the emergence of new technologies andrnadvanced therapy the children born with CHD can make it through the adult hood. During thernjourney of treating children with CHD the role of family caregivers is significant. However, littlernis known about the family caregiver’s knowledge and self-reported practice of caring for childrenrnwith CHD.rnObjective: The objective of this study is to assess the family caregiver’s knowledge and selfreportedrnrnpractice of caring for children with congenital heart disease at cardiac center EthiopiarnAddis Ababa Ethiopia. rnMethods: The study was performed under hospital based descriptive cross-sectional study. Therndata was collected from families of children with CHD at the cardiac center outpatient departmentrnthrough written questioner. The questioner was administered by two trained nurses who work inrnthe outpatient department of the cardiac center. The returned questionnaire was checked forrncompleteness, cleaned manually and entered in to EPI INFO statistical software and thenrntransferred to SPSS windows version 25 for further analysis. rnResults: A total of 377 family caregivers with a response rate of 96.91% were participated in thisrnstudy from which (45.1%) of the respondents had good knowledge towards care for child withrnCHD and (44.3%) had good practice toward scare for CHD. There was a significant relationshiprnbetween family caregiver’s knowledge and educational status [AOR=0.322, 95%CI.0.186, 0.557]rnand living area [AOR=19.274, 95% CI. 6.535, 56.84]. family caregiver’s knowledge towards CHDrn[AOR=1.11, 95% CI 7.240, 0.002.], frequency of feeding [AOR=0.093,95%CI. 0.02, 0.53] andrnliving area [AOR= 57.3, 95%CI 1.07, 3048.8] were significantly associated with self-reportedrnpractice towards care for child with CHD at outpatient department. The statistical significancernlevel was declared at p-value

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Assessment Of Family Care Givers Knowledge And Practice Of Caring For Children With Congenital Heart Disease At The Cardiac Center Ethiopia Addis Ababa Ethiopia.