Surgical Patients Satisfaction With Periopeative Nursing Care And Its Associated Factors At Public Teaching Hospitals Addis Ababaethiopia2021.

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Patient satisfaction, identified as the achievement or fulfillment of a person's expectations fromrna service, is one of the most significant metrics for evaluating the quality of health care servicesrnin health settings and an indicator of healthcare quality. The purpose of this research was tornassess the level of adult surgical patient satisfaction with perioperative nursing care and itsrnassociated factors at public teaching hospitals, Addis Ababa. Ethiopia, 2021. From February -rnMarch 2021, institution based cross-sectional study design with a quantitative approach wasrnused. A total of 302 surgical patients are selected from public teaching hospitals using randomrnsampling technique and data were collected by face to face interview using structuredrnquestionnaire. Patient satisfaction was measured using a modified version of the LeidenrnPerioperative Care Satisfaction Questionnaire (LPPSQ), as well as socio-demographic andrnclinical data. Data was double-checked for accuracy and quality, then coded and entered intornEPI Info version 7, which was then exported to SPSS version 25.0. To classify variables thatrnwere correlated with the dependent variable, bivariate and multivariable logistic regressionrnmodels were used. P-values of < 0.05 were considered statistically significant analysis. A totalrnof 302 study subjects were participated making the response rate of 99%. The overall adultrnsurgical patient satisfaction with perioperative nursing care was 65.6%. According to thernfindings of this study, age of patients (P value = 0.01, AOR= 8.058), educational status (P value=rn0.00, AOR= 6.767), type of anesthesia (P value= 0.00, AOR= 4.753), postoperative pain (Prnvalue =0.03, AOR= 2.995), and operated agree date and time (P value= 0.00, AOR= 5.370) werernall found to be statistically significant predictors of adult surgical patient satisfaction level withrnperioperative nursing care in multivariate logistic regression analysis. In contrast to otherrnsurveys conducted at home and abroad, the overall level of patient satisfaction with nursing carernin this study was good. Patient satisfaction levels should be monitored on a regular basis and allrnresponsible bodies should work to improve patient satisfaction level.

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Surgical Patients Satisfaction With Periopeative Nursing Care And Its Associated Factors At Public Teaching Hospitals Addis Ababaethiopia2021.