Assessment Of Knowledge And Practice Towards Care Of Elderly Patients And Associated Factors Among Nurses In Adult Care Units At Selected Government Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Background: Ageing is the accumulation of a series of changes in a person overrntime. Nurses have the duty of care for all age ranges that considers knowledge ofrndevelopmental stages specific to client/patient center need. However, there is limitedrninformation on nurses’ knowledge and practice of care of the elderly in Ethiopia.rnTherefore, studying knowledge and practice of nurses towards elderly patients has anrnimportant outcome on elderly care. rnObjective: Assess knowledge and practice towards care of elderly patients andrnassociated factors among nurses in adult care units at selected government hospitalsrnin Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021. rnMethod: Institution based cross sectional quantitative study design was conducted onrn310 nurses in three selected government hospitals in Addis Ababa. Multi stagernsampling was used to select study participants. The study was conducted fromrnFebruary, 2021- March, 2021. Structured self-administered questionnaire was used. rnResult: Among 310 respondents, 125(40.3%) of nurses’ have good knowledgerntoward care of elder patient whereas 118(38.1%) nurses have highly practiced towardrncare of elder patient. The result showed that age and year of experience werernsignificantly associated with nurse’s knowledge toward care of elder patient.rnSimilarly, sex, level of education, year of experience in nursing profession, and takingrntraining were significantly associated with nurse’s practice toward care of elderlyrnpatient. rnConclusion and recommendations: Majority of nurses had poor knowledge andrnpoor practice toward care of elderly patient. Age and year of experience werernsignificantly associated with knowledge. On the other hand, sex, level of education,rnyear of experience, and taking training were significantly associated with nurse’srnpractice toward care of elder patient. Therefore, federal ministry of health, hospitalrnmanagers and nursing department should work cooperatively in order to improvernnurse’s knowledge and enhance their practice toward care of elder patient.

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Assessment Of Knowledge And Practice Towards Care Of Elderly Patients And Associated Factors Among Nurses In Adult Care Units At Selected Government Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.