Assessment Of Nurses Knowledge About Fracture Management And Associated Factor In Selected Governmental Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021

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Introduction: Fracture is a complete or incomplete disruption in the continuity of bonernstructure and is defined according to its type and extent. The nursing staff plays a main rnrole in health promotion for persons with fracture. rnObjective: To assess nurse’s knowledge about fracture management and associatedrnfactor in selected governmental hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021. rnMethod: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted from February tornMarch, 2021.Questionnaires was distributed study participants enrolled usingrnconvenience method from Tikur Anbessa, ALEART and Aabet hospitals in AddisrnAbaba. Mean, standard deviation, and percent were used to describe the characteristicsrnof the study participants. Liner regression analysis was used to describe thernrelationship dependent and independent variables. Statistical significance was declaredrnusing p value less than 0.05. rn Result: In this study 120 nurses were participated with 97.6% response rate. Meanrnscore of knowledge of fracture managements was 75% +16. Institutional factors likernpolicy& guideline, educational status and training condition had significantlyrnassociated with knowledge of nurses. Compared participants who had access to policy rnguidelines those who had no access less knowledge score by 0.156 unit (  = -0.156, prn= 0.02). Study participants who received training in fracture management had higherrnknowledge score than those who did not have the training ( = 0.400, p < 0.001).rnCompared to other educational groups (bachelor and master’s degree) participants withrndiploma qualification had lower knowledge score (-0.425, p < 0.001). rnConclusion and recommendation: Generally, the total score of participatedrnknowledge was75% +16, the study showed that: knowledge of nurses had strongrnassociated with educational level. training condition and lack of policy and guidelinernso minster of federal health and hospital manager should focus on policy and guideline,rntraining and educational opportunity since it had strongly affected nurse’s knowledge.

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Assessment Of Nurses Knowledge About Fracture Management And Associated Factor In Selected Governmental Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021