Assessment Of Nurses Knowledge And Practice Regarding Patients Care After Cardiac Catheterization At Selected Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopiacross Sectional Study

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Background: Cardiac catheterization is an invasive procedure which is used in the diagnosisrnand treatment of several cardiac diseases. As cardiac catheterization involves the insertion ofrncardiac catheters into the circulatory system, there will be a risk of developing variety ofrncomplications which may contribute to morbidity and mortality. Early recognition ofrncomplications requires standardized care policies, as well as it needs qualified and skilledrnhealth care providers to ensure good patient care and improve patient outcome.rnObjective: assess knowledge and practice on patient’s care after cardiac catheterizationrnamong nurses working in cardiac wards and cardiac ICUs of the selected hospitals in AddisrnAbaba, Ethiopia, 2021.rnMethod: An institution based cross-sectional study was conducted among 151 nurses workingrnin cardiac wards and cardiac ICU of the seven purposely selected hospitals. The total samplernsizes were allocated proportionally based on the number of nurses from each hospital. Arnsimple random sampling technique was employed for the selection of study participants. Datarnwere collected by using self-administered structured questionnaire and imported to SPSSrnversion 26.0 software for analysis. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression wasrnused to analyze the result. Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression was done torndetermine the association between the independent variables and dependent variables.rnResult: Overall 42.4% and 32.5% of the participants have unsatisfactory knowledge andrnpractice regarding patient care after cardiac catheterization respectively.BSC degree andrntraining [AOR=3.7 ;( 1.1, 12.4) and 3.1 ;( 1.2, 7.9) respectively] were found to be statisticallyrnsignificant with nurses knowledge of patients care after cardiac catheterization. Experience inrncardiac unit, knowledge and training [AOR=5.6 ;( 1.6, 19.3), 2.2 ;( 1.04, 4.7) and 3.0 ;( 1.09,rn8.4)] were also found to be significantly associated with practice.rnConclusion and recommendation: The study revealed that above one third of of thernparticipants do not have satisfactory knowledge and more than one third of the participantsrnpractice is not satisfactory. Therefore, there is a need to design and implement knowledgernincreasing training on patients care after cardiac catheterization

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Assessment Of Nurses Knowledge And Practice Regarding Patients Care After Cardiac Catheterization At Selected Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopiacross Sectional Study