Health Related Quality Of Life And Associated Factors In Rheumatic Heart Disease Patients In Selected Government Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Repeated bouts of Group A streptococcal throat infection, if left untreated, could result inRheumatic Heart Disease (RHD). RHD is believed to significantly affect health-related qualityof life (HRQoL) due to its chronicity, scarce treatment options and downward debilitatingrnprognosis. This study intends to assess HRQoL and its associated factors among RheumaticrnHeart Disease patients in Selected Government Hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This facilitybasedrnrncross-sectional study was conducted in 297 RHD patients on follow- up at two publichospitals with dedicated cardiac clinic for adults who consented and completed the study, givingrna response rate of 100%. Respondents were selected by systematic random sampling. Astructured questionnaire from Medical outcomes study 36-item Short Form (SF-36) HealthrnSurvey was used for data collection from March1-31, 2021. Eight domains and two summaryscores of SF-36 for study participants were computed and analyzed in comparison to nationalnormative data as per the guideline for the instrument. Independent t test and ANOVA wereused to compete means between groups and analyze relationships between variables and QoLrnin RHD patients. RHD patients scored lower on all eight domains of SF- 36 and two summaryscores compared to general population. Relatively high mean score was found on SocialFunctioning (70.33 ± 31.67), Bodily pain (69.40 ± 34.73) and Mental Health (67.68 ± 22.82)rndomains and lower mean scores obtained from Vitality (52.95 ± 23.80) and Role functioningrnphysical (58.16 ± 47.16). Female gender, Older age, Divorced or Widowed marital status andrnLower educational background were inversely associated with the QoL. Undergoing surgicalintervention and lower number of medications were found to have strong association with betterrnQoL. Taking cut point 45 for individual’s summary score, about half of study population isfound to have poor HRQoL. And similarly, as a group also HRQoL is relatively poor in RHDpatients in comparison to the general population. Incorporating assessment of HRQoL inrnclinical evaluation of RHD patients is advised. Longitudinal study should be considered toconfirm cause effect relationship of factors that affect HRQoL in RHD patients.

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Health Related Quality Of Life And Associated Factors In Rheumatic Heart Disease Patients In Selected Government Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.