Knowledge About Rheumatic Heart Disease And Its Associated Factors Among Nurses Working In Cardiac Centers At Public And Private Hospitals Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2020 2021

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It is proposed that the biggest gap in control of rheumatic heart disease is in implementing ofrnineffective primary and secondary preventive measures. These measures are supposed to be wellrnaddressed by health care providers specially nurses. For anticipation and appropriatecontrollingrnof rheumatic heart disease, nurses are ordinary to have completethoughtful of the environment ofrnthe disease process and worthy information.The objective of this study is toassess rheumaticrnheart disease knowledge and its associated factors among nurses working in cardiac centers ofrnpublic hospitals at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021.Institution based cross sectional study wasrnemployed on nurses working in cardiac centers of public and private hospitals at Addis Ababarnfrom October, 2020 to June 2021. The sample size was163designated by purposive samplingrnmethod. Data was entered in to Epi-data version 4.45 and transferred to SPSS Version 25. Datarntestedand cleaned for misplaced values. Descriptive figures such as frequency percentages andrnmean were calculated, described and displayed in tables, graphs and charts. Binary logisticrnregression wasemployed to see the rudimentarysubstantial relation of individually independentrnvariable with outcome variables. Significant factors were recognized based on multi variatrnlogistics regression 95% confidence level at P-value less than 0.05.In the present study aboutrn154participants were participated. The mean correct answer response of the nurses forrnknowledge of RHD questions is 12.2 + 5.2. Only 48.7% of the nurses have good knowledgerntowards RHD and Being male in gender, having history of sore throat any time in life, takingrnformal education in university or collage about RHD, taking in-service training on RHD, havingrnhigher wok experience, have found significantly associated with higher odds of nurses’ goodrnknowledge towards RHD.In service training regarding RHD managementshould be given tonurses who are working in cardiac centers. RHD early treatment and preventionshould bernincorporated and reinforced in to nursing curriculum and Guidelines and protocols must bernpremeditated to advance the nurse’s knowledge about RHD early diagnosis, treatment andrnpreventionfor good outcomes and wellbeing of RHD patients.

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Knowledge About Rheumatic Heart Disease And Its Associated Factors Among Nurses Working In Cardiac Centers At Public And Private Hospitals Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2020 2021