Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practice Towards Prevention And Management Of Hypertension And Associated Factors Among Police Officers In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021

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Background: Hypertension is a common global health problem and major cause of disability andrndeath. Little is known about the knowledge, attitude and practice towards prevention and managementrnof hypertension and associated factors among Police officers. rnObjective: This study was intended to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice towards thernprevention and management of hypertension and associated factors among police officers in AddisrnAbaba, Ethiopia 2020. rnMethod: Institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted between December 2020 andrnJanuary 2021 among police officers who are members of Addis Ababa police commission. Five policernsub commissions were randomly selected. Sample size was calculated using single populationrnproportional formula and the calculated sample size for this study was 395. Study participants werernselected using systemic sampling technique. Structured and pretested questionnaire was used for datarncollection. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 23. Descriptive statistics was used to summarizernsocio- demographic, characteristics of study participants. Knowledge, attitude and practice towardsrnthe prevention and management hypertension and association factor were determined using Bloom'srntaxonomy for cut of point (60-80). Chi was used to identify factors associated with outcome variables.rnStatistical significance was declared at p-value less than0.05. rnResult – a total of 395 police officers participated in the study with a response rate of 100% Majorityrnof the participants were males (66.5%) and all of them attended formal education and majority of thernrespondents (88.35%) had collage certificate and above. Nearly sixty five percent (64.8%) of thernrespondents are married and slightly more than half (56.7%) had a working experience of less thanrnten years. The overall percentage of good knowledge attitude and practice of the respondents is 9%,rn13.7% and 11.1 % respectively. Age, service year, monthly income and sex of the respondent hasrnsignificant association with knowledge. Similarly, Drug habit and age has significant association withrnpractice. rnConclusion and recommendation: small percentage of the respondents has good knowledge, attitudernand practice towards prevention of hypertension age of the participant, service year monthly incomernand sex of the respondent with knowledge and similarly presence of drug habit and age had alsornsignificant association with practice of respondents towards the prevention of hypertension. Since thernsmall percentage of police officers has good level of the knowledge regarding hypertension, the police commission’s health main directorate, health promotion and disease prevention directorate shouldrnneed to strengthening health education programs.

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Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practice Towards Prevention And Management Of Hypertension And Associated Factors Among Police Officers In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021