Assessment Of Knowledge Of Stroke Risk Factors And Warning Symptoms Among Adults With Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus In Selected Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Background: Stroke is a major public health concern that affects people all over the world. Itrnis a major contributor to morbidity, mortality and disability in both developing and developedrncountries. Increasing knowledge regarding cerebrovascular diseases and tackling risk factors arernimportant to reduce the rising worldwide burden of stroke. rnObjective: The main aim of this study is to assess knowledge of stroke risk factors and warningrnsymptoms among adults with type II diabetes in selected hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,rn2021. rnMethods and materials: Institutional based cross-sectional study was conducted among adultsrnwith type II diabetes in selected governmental hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Systematicrnrandom sampling was used to select eligible 499 study participants. The data coding, entry andrnclearance was made by using Epi data software version 4.6.0 and exported to SPSS softwarernversion 25 for analysis. Simple and multiple linear regression analysis were done to explore thernassociation between independent with the dependent variables. rnResult: Of the calculated sample size, total of 470 respondents were interviewed with responsernrate of 94.2%. Majority (54.9%) of study participants were females and the mean age ofrnrespondents were 50.6 (+12.9). The mean score of knowledge of warning symptoms and riskrnfactors of stroke was 63.9% and 67.2% respectively. Younger age (B= -0.021; P= 0.01), higherrnlevel of education (B= 1.873; P= 0.000) and know someone diagnosed with stroke (B= 3.64; P=rn0.000) shows statistically significant association with knowledge of stroke warning symptoms.rnSimilarly, higher level of education (B= 2.007; P= 0.000), know someone with stroke (B= 3.328;rnP= 0.000) and living with others (B= 2.28; P= 0.000) shows statistically significant associationrnwith knowledge of stroke risk factors. rnConclusion and recommendation: In general, from this particular study, knowledge ofrndiabetic patients towards stroke risk factors and warning symptoms was inadequate. Therefore,rnthe importance of stroke education concerning its risk factors and warning symptoms via socialrnmedia, health education sessions, and posters should be emphasized.

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Assessment Of Knowledge Of Stroke Risk Factors And Warning Symptoms Among Adults With Type Ii Diabetes Mellitus In Selected Hospitals Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.