Health Seeking Behavior And Associated Factors Among Adult Clients With Heart Failure At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitaladdis Ababa2021.

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Background: Heart failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet rnthe body's needs and it is serious condition that requires medical care. Health seeking behavior isrnbelieved to affect the life of people with heart failure. Healthy diet, regular physical activity, andrnnot using tobacco products are the keys to prevention and control of heart failure. rnObjective: This study was aimed to assess health seeking behavior and associated factors amongrnadult clients with heart failure in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,rn2021. rnMethods: Health facility based cross sectional study was conducted with consecutive samplingrntechnique. After data collection with structured questionnaire, analysis was done using SPSSrnversion 22 for descriptive and analytical findings. Statistically significant association between therndependent and independent variables were determined using P value of 0.05 with its respectivernrange of confidence intervals. rnResult: A total of 422 patients enrolled in the study with a response rate of 98.8 %. The mean agernof the study participants was 37.1 (± SD: 12.3) years. Among the study participants 316 (75.8 %)rncategorized as having good health seeking behavior based on the assessment questions.rnParticipants who were aged ≤ 24 were 0.2 times less likely to seek health care than those who werern≥55 years old (AOR: 0.2 (95% CI; 0.05, 0.42) P Value < 0.001), not educated study participantsrnwere 0.2 less likely to have good health seeking behavior compared to those participants withrndegree and above educational status (AOR: 0.2 [95% CI: 0.04, 0.70] P-value 0.01). as notrnknowledgeable were 0.4 less likely to have good health seeking behavior compared to the studyrnparticipants categorized as knowledgeable (AOR: 0.4 [95% CI;0.23, 0.7] P Value < 0.001). rnConclusion and Recommendation: Health seeking behavior among patients with HF in TASHrnis good. Age, educational status, and knowledge had significant association with health seekingrnbehavior. The hospital administration should establish health education platforms. Follow-uprnclinics should give more emphasis for clients aged ≤24 years and those who are not educated. Thernministry of health and its partners should disseminate information through different channels aboutrnheart failure.

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Health Seeking Behavior And Associated Factors Among Adult Clients With Heart Failure At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospitaladdis Ababa2021.