Role Of Family Support And Associated Factors For Hypertensive Patients In Adherence With Medication And Diet Modification At Selected Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Background- Hypertension by its nature needs lifelong treatment with medication andrndiet modification. One factor that determines successful treatment is role of familyrnsupport. As many literatures showed that family support has important role inrnadherence with medication and diet modification on hypertension management. rnObjective- to assess role of family support and associated factors for hypertensivernpatients in adherence with medication and diet modification at selected hospital inrnAddis Ababa; Ethiopia 2021. rnMethodology- Institution based cross sectional study was conducted from Feb. 15,rn2021 to May 15, 2021 on patients who had follow up at hypertension clinics ofrnselected hospitals. Study participants were selected using simple random samplingrnmethod. Data was collected using interview administered questionnaire. It wasrnchecked for its completeness and entered to Epi data version 4.1 and transferred andrnanalysed with SPSS version 25. The magnitude of association between independentrnvariables in relation to dependent was analysed using binary logistic regression andrnfurther multiple logistic regressions with 95% confidence interval (CI) and P values

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Role Of Family Support And Associated Factors For Hypertensive Patients In Adherence With Medication And Diet Modification At Selected Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.