Patient Expectation About Angiography Procedure Among Cardiac Patient In Cardiac Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background. Patient Expectation in health care continues to increase and this is something thatrnneeds to be managed adequately to improve outcomes and decrease liability. Cardiovascularrndiseases are currently the major cause of mortality and morbidity around the entire world. rnObjective: The main objective of this study was to assess patient expectations about angiographyrnprocedures among angiography patients in Cardiac Center Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. rnMethod: Institutional based qualitative study was conducted using a phenomenological approachrnfrom January 2020 to March 2021. The study participant was selected by using a purposivernsampling technique. Ten patients who went through angiography procedures are included. Thernnumber of study participants was determined based on the level of saturation of ideas. The datarnwill be analyzed using a conventional qualitative content analysis approach tape-recorded for anrnin-depth interview. rnMajor finding: A total of 35 patients from the cardiac center Ethiopia Cath lab department werernapproached and 14 of them were volunteer to participate but 10 participants selected. More thanrnhalf of the participants didn’t know what angiography means and whether was it a diagnostic orrntherapeutic procedure. Half of the respondents think that they were getting treatment rather than arndiagnostic test. The majority of participants didn't recognize that their age sex and educationalrnstatus will affect their understanding of the procedure. Most patients didn’t expect coronaryrnangiography procedures as they perceived and there was a gap in their awareness related to thernprocedure. rnConclusion & Recommendation; rnrn The finding of this study showed a huge information gap and insight into expectations of patients rnundergoing angiography and it is below the standard. For the management of CCE to train healthrncare providers to fill the information gap among CAG procedures. provide patients with openendedrnquestionariesrnonrntheirrnexpectationsrnandrnconcerns.rnrnItrnisrnnecessaryrntorninformrnpatientsrnwhornrnundergo CAG taking into account their understanding and instructive level were rnrecommendations.

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Patient Expectation About Angiography Procedure Among Cardiac Patient In Cardiac Center Addis Ababa Ethiopia