Delay Of First Case Surgery Start Time Of Elective Surgeries And Its Associated Factors In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Teaching Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021

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Background: Delay is defined as considerable wait time for staffs, patients, and waste ofrnresources. It can occur during each stage of the perioperative pathway and can be the result ofrnpatient and/or hospital related reasons and has negative impact on patient and health care system. rnObjectives: To determine 1rnstrn case surgical delay of elective surgery and its associated factors atrnTikur Anbessa specialized hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.rnMethodology: Hospital based cross-sectional study was conducted at Tikur Anbessa SpecializedrnHospital surgical specialties from 5 Feb, 2021 – 15 March, 2021. Study subjects were selectedrnfrom daily scheduled elective cases purposively. The delay of surgery was assessed by using thernobservation checklist and entered in to Epi-data version 3.1 and imported to SPSS version 25.0 forrnanalysis for descriptive statistics. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis techniquernwas used to analyze the associations between independent variables and dependent variables withrnP-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. rnResult: The prevalence of surgical delay was 227(91.5%). There was a significant associationrnbetween patients age [(AOR=3.51) 95%CI(1.78, 14.80)] and lack of patients investigation rn[(AOR=7.17) 95%CI(3.02, 29.38)] from patient factors, Long time needed to Anesthesia team tornprepare patient [(AOR=8.21) 95%CI(1.98, 28.80)] and punctuality of surgeons [(AOR=9.22)rn95%CI(1.05, 16.45)] from health care providers factors, and Lack of ICU bed [(AOR=6.19) rn95%CI(4.04, 25.49)] and absence of blood for transfusion [(AOR=5.28) 95%CI(2.18, 9.88)] fromrnhospital factors and first case delay.rnConclusion: The prevalence of 1rnstrn case delay is high. Patient’s age, lack of patient’s investigation,rnrefusal of patients, long time needed to Anesthesia team to prepare patient, punctuality of surgeonsrnand absence of blood for transfusion were significantly associated with delay of 1rn case surgery.rnRecommendation: Stakeholders should minimize time needed to prepare patient for surgery,rnresponsible and punctual on time, avoid a breakdown in communication or process in the prehospital/schedulingrnphasernofrnthernpatientrnjourneyrnandrnhaverngoodrnplanningrnhospitalrnmanagementrntornrnpreparernsufficientrntheatrernforrnavoidancernofrndelayrnofrnforrnsurgeryrnandrnminimizationrnofrncancellationrnrnofrnpatientrnoutrncomernandrntheatrerninefficiency.

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Delay Of First Case Surgery Start Time Of Elective Surgeries And Its Associated Factors In Tikur Anbessa Specialized Teaching Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021