The main objective of this study was to examine the practice and challenges of play based rnpedagogy in preschools of Kirkos Sub-city, Addis Ababa. A concurrent embedded mixed rnresearch design (predominantly qualitative) was used in the study. A total of 60 research rnparticipants were selected (48 teachers, 6 school principals, and 6 students) using purposive, rnand simple random sampling techniques. Questionnaire, interview and observation were used to rncollect data from respondents. To analyze the data, both quantitative (frequency, percentage) rnand qualitative data analysis method (thematic analysis) were used as appropriate. The rndescriptive statistics results indicated that teachers often used circle time to teach academic rnskills and social/ emotional skills. On the other hand, it was found that teachers used structured rnactivities to teach physical skills. The descriptive statistics results further indicated that the mean rnvalue for hands on activities as the best type of learning for preschoolers was found high though rnit is not applicable practically. The observation results witnessed that the implementation of play rnbased pedagogy was found unsatisfactory. Moreover, this study discovered that teachers have rndifferent implementations concerning play as pedagogy. Teachers most of the time applied rnlecture method to teach children than engaging them in participatory activities. Most of the time, rnthe play in the classroom was teacher-led not children-led. Moreover, results indicate thatrnchildren were engaged in both cooperative and solitary play activities. In addition, it was found rnthat teachers did not use transition from subject to subject (course to course). The results also rnidentified challenges that hinder play based pedagogy include teachers inadequate training in rnECCE; shortage of inputs; unconducive outdoor environment; inadequate space for play, rninadequate play materials and equipment, teachers’ lack of pedagogical skill, lack of rnunderstanding of the play based pedagogy and increased number of students. From this one can rnconclude that play based pedagogy is not properly implemented in sampled preschools of Kirkos rnSub-city. Therefore, continuous training for teachers on ECCE in general and play based rnpedagogy in particular, increase the handwork time; increasing supply of play materials and rnequipment in type and quantity, allocating separate budget for government preschools and rnincrease supplementary books in type and quantity were suggested as remedial strategies to rnenhance the implementation of play-based pedagogy in preschools.