This paper explores the participation of African diaspora in the politics of their home country by focusing on the experience of Ethiopia. The Ethiopian diaspora is said to be highly politicized, large in number and well-educated; they keep in touch and are interested in domestic affairs. Therefore, according to their management and participation methods, they have the ability to challenge the country or give up its huge potential. So far, the relationship between the Ethiopian government and the diaspora has been more confrontational than cooperative. The political and political climate in Ethiopia tends to view the diaspora as cash crows and favors participation in political decision-making in a moderate manner. In any case, the diaspora participates in national politics through various other channels. After the reforms in 2018, the government made rapid adjustments to give expatriates a say in their hometowns. However, if there is no favorable political and institutional framework, the relationship between the diaspora governments will not be easily resolved in the short term. The researcher will use qualitative analysis methods in interviews, document analysis, video analysis, and websites.