Assessment Of Awareness And Attitude Of Pregnant Women Toward Anesthesia Techniques For Cesarean Section And Associated Factors At Selected Public Hospital Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia2021.
Background There is a lack of public awareness of anesthesia as a medical specialty.rnObstetric women's decisions to have a cesarean section are influenced by a lack ofrnawareness about anesthesia and anesthesia techniques. rnObjective: To assess awareness and attitude of pregnant women’s towards anesthesiarntechniques for cesarean section among women attending ANC at selected public Hospitalrnof Addis Ababa, 2021 rnMethod: Prospective cross-section study design was employed among 332 pregnantrnwomen who were attended ANC at selected public hospitals of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Arnsystematic random sampling technique was used for selecting participants. The data wasrncollected by using a pretest structured questionnaire and entered into Epi Data forrncleaning. Then it was exported to SPSS version 26 for analysis. Both binary andrnmultivariate logistic regressions were used to measure the association between thernfactors and outcomes at 95% CI and P-value