Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Residents In Using Face Mask For Prevention Of Spread Of Novel Corona Virus At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia .

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IntroductionrnCoronavirus is the second pandemic emerged in 21st century following influenza A H1N1 whichrnoccurred back in 2009. The World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Controlrnand Prevention (CDC) both recommended to use face mask for the prevention of infection in thernhealth facility. This kind of strategies are very important for resource limited countries with arnvery higher case incidence in order to keep safe their medical staff from COVID 19 infection.rnThe use of face mask as way of infection prevention to work, proper use is very important whichrnhighly depend on the knowledge and attitude towards it of how to use it.rnMaterials and MethodsrnWe used facility based cross- sectional study design. The study area is Tikur AnbessarnSpecialized Hospital. The data was collected using structured self-administered questionnaires.rnThe data collection tool was adopted from previous study, and modified for this study. The datarnwas entered to Epi-data V 5 for cleaning and was imported to SPSS V 25 for analysis.rnDescriptive analysis and association for the participants was done. The study population for thisrnstudy were residents from Anesthesiology, Internal medicine, Obstetric and gynecology andrnGeneral Surgery residents working at TAH. The final sample size for this study is 151. Ethicalrnclearance and support was obtained from Department of Anesthesiology Institution of ReviewrnBoard.rnResultsrnThere are four major findings of the study. The overall good knowledge of respondents wasrnfound to be 71.5%, Positive attitude was found to be 83.4 % and good practice was found to bern39.1%. The overall practice of facemask was found to be poor. The study also showed veryrnstrong correlation between Good level knowledge and attitude. Internal medicine and Obstetricrnand Gynecology residents were found to have good knowledge compared to their compatriots.rnIn addition, younger residents and residents with higher experience were found to have goodrnknowledge.rnConclusion and recommendationrnThe Knowledge and attitude of Residents regarding the use of surgical face masks were foundrnto be good but practice was found to be poor. This shows more awareness is required aboutrnseveral aspects such as the types of masks, the duration of using masks and the proper disposal ofrnthe masks.

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Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Residents In Using Face Mask For Prevention Of Spread Of Novel Corona Virus At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia .