Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Post Spinal Anesthesia Transient Neurological Symptoms In Dessie Referral Hospital From February To April 2021 Institution Based Cross Sectional Study

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Background: Spinal anesthesia is most commonly utilized regional anesthesia methodrnfor numerous surgical procedures. Spinal anesthesia has been an effective anesthesiarnmethod with an assessed success rate of over 90%. However, it has also been implicatedrnas one of the possible causes of neurological complications following surgical procedures.rnTransient neurological symptoms (TNS) after spinal anesthesia that's characterized byrnpostoperative discomfort within the buttocks or the lower extremities is one of thernneurological complications with an estimated prevalence of 40%. rnObjectives: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and associated factorsrnof post spinal anesthesia transient neurological symptoms in Dessie referral hospital.rnDessie, Ethiopia, February 1rnstrn 2021 – April 30rnthrn 2021. rnMethods: An institutional based cross-sectional study design was used among patientsrnwho underwent surgery under spinal anesthesia in Dessie referral hospital from Februaryrn1rnstrn 2021 up to April 30rnthrn 2021. Sample size was calculated to be 215.The associationrnbetween the dependent and independent variable was assessed by binomial and multiplernlogistic regression with p value of less than 0.5 considered as statistically significant. rnResult: out of 215 patients that participated in our study and the prevalence of post SArnTNS was observed to be 10.2%. Factors that were assessed to be associated with TNSrnwere BMI (AOR = 2.9 and 95% CI: 1.03 - 8.43) and lithotomy surgical position (AOR =3.64rnand 95% CI: 1.19 – 11.08). rnConclusion: our study result showed that the overall prevalence of post SA TNS inrnDessie referral hospital is 10.2%. when compared with other studies the prevalence inrnour study is lower. BMI and lithotomy surgical position have significant relationship withrnthe incidence of TNS.

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Prevalence And Associated Factors Of Post Spinal Anesthesia Transient Neurological Symptoms In Dessie Referral Hospital From February To April 2021 Institution Based Cross Sectional Study