Preference Of Spinal Versus General Anesthesia And Associated Factors Among Pregnant Women Undergoing Elective Cs At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Background: Cesarean section is mainly done under SA or GA. When used appropriately spinalrnanesthesia has many benefits. Client preference determine the mode of anesthesia to be given forrncesarean section. In Ethiopia, the rate of spinal anesthesia for cesarean section is less than that ofrndeveloped world. There was no study that reported the womens’ preferences of anesthesia modernand factors affecting their preferences in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital. rnObjective: To assess factors associated with womens’ preferences of anesthesia type for electivernC/S at TASH rnMethod: Institutional based prospective Cross-sectional study design was conducted on 200rnclients who were scheduled for elective C/S at TASH, in Addis Ababa. This study wasrnconducted from April 1 to September 30, 2021. Systematic random sampling technique was usedrnto select the clients. Structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data was checked forrncompleteness and entered into Epi-data version 4.6 then imported to SPSS 25 software forrnanalysis. Descriptive analysis was done for Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of thernparticipants. Bi-variate logistic regression was done for each predictor variable and outcomernvariable. Multivariate logistic regression was done and statistical significance p-value less thanrn0.05 was taken as a determinant factor. rnResults: Overall spinal anesthesia preference rate is about 90 %, while general anesthesiarnpreference rate is 10 %. Clients with no previous anesthesia exposure are high likely to preferrnspinal anesthesia as compared to those who previously took anesthesia (p = 0.028 AORrn4.94(1.19, 20.54). Multivariate logistic regression showed that literate women are high likely tornprefer spinal anesthesia as compared to illiterate women (p < 0.001 AOR 19.9(4.58, 87.27).rnThere is no association found with age, parity, previous mode of delivery, previous informationrnabout anesthesia, employment status, partners preference and feared anesthesia relatedrncomplications. rnConclusion: Majority of clients (90%) who were scheduled for elective c/s prefer spinalrnanesthesia in TASH. Educational level and lack of previous anesthesia exposure are found to bernassociated with anesthesia mode preference.

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Preference Of Spinal Versus General Anesthesia And Associated Factors Among Pregnant Women Undergoing Elective Cs At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.