A Study On Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery On Health Care Professionals At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia In 2021.

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Abstract rnIntroduction : ERAS ,first introduced in 2005 is a combination of various perioperative patientrncare methods based on a multimodal approach that integrates evidence based interventions tornreduce surgical stress ,maintain post operative physiological function and accelerate recovery inrnpatients undergoing major surgery, GI surgery ,Urological surgery ,Orthopedic surgery ,rnGynecologic surgery ,thoracic and breast surgery. rnObjective: To assess Knowledge attitude and practice of ERAS on HCPs at TASH, AddisrnAbaba, Ethiopia during data collection time. rnMethodology: Institutional based quantitative cross sectional prospective observational studyrnwas employed .Anesthetists, Anesthesiologists, Surgeons, Surgical residents, Anesthesiologyrnresidents and nurses working at TASH surgical wards and OR during data collection period werernincluded. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 statistical software. rnResults of the Study: Almost all ACCPM has good knowledge (90.7%) on ERAS Protocols; onrnthe other hand, only 21 % of nurses have good knowledge. Most of ACCPM (85%) and surgicalrnteam (83%) have good attitude about ERAS. On the contrary, only 15% of nurses have a positivernattitude about ERAS. Study participants with work experience of 1-5 years have the highestrnproportion of participants with positive attitude. The majority of ACCPM (70%) and surgicalrnteam (58%) have good practice of ERAS. However, only 36% of nurses have good practicernabout ERAS. Study participants with work experience of 1-5 years have the highest proportionrnof participants with good practice. rnConclusion: Based on these findings more than half of study participants have good knowledge,rnpositive attitude and good practice of ERAS protocol. However, nurses have shown the lowestrnscore in knowledge attitude and practice of ERAS. rnRecommendation Clinicians should implement the ERAS protocol appropriately. In addition,rntraining and continuous professional development activities on ERAS protocol should berndesigned and implemented particularly targeting those with work experience of greater than fivernyears and nurses. Moreover, a multidisciplinary group approach should be taken whenrnimplementing the ERAS protocol to facilitate effectiveness and learning environment for thosernthat didn’t achieve optimal knowledge attitude and practice of ERAS protocol.

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A Study On Assessment Of Knowledge Attitude And Practice Of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery On Health Care Professionals At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia In 2021.