Patient Satisfaction With Postoperative Pain Management And Its Associated Factors In Adult Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia

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Background: Patient satisfaction with postoperative pain management is a relevant butrndifficult measure of quality of care. It is a complex concept which highly depends on subjectivernjudgment and is influenced by emotional feelings, sociocultural values and expectations.rnHowever, data regarding this issue is limited in the study area. Therefore, generating data inrnterms of patients’ satisfaction will reduce this limitation. It will also have a significant input inrnthe formulation of appropriate strategy to modify and transform the overall post-operative painrnmanagement in to one that is patient centered.rnObjective: Assess level of patients` satisfaction and its associated factors in adult patients whornunderwent elective surgery at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital from June 1 to Septemberrn15, 2021 GC.rnMethods: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted from June 1 to Septemberrn15 2021 at Addis Ababa University, TASH using the APS-POQ-R tool. Trained data collectorsrnapproached participants within 24-72 hours of surgery for interview. Data was entered, cleanedrnand analyzed using SPSS version 25 software. Level of satisfaction was dichotomized in tornhigh and low satisfaction using the median split technique. Bivariate and Multivariate Binaryrnlogistic regression and Pearson`s correlation tests were done to identify factors associated withrnlevel of patient satisfaction. One way ANOVA and Mann Whitney- U tests were done to revealrndifferences in pain intensity and satisfaction across different groups of independent variables.rnP values less than 0.05 were considered significant throughout the analysis. Results werernpresented using texts, tables, charts and graphs.rnResults: Reliability test showed, the APS-POQ-R tool had good internal consistencyrn(Cronbach’s α= 0.84). A total of 335 individuals participated in the study (98.5% responsernrate). Only 19% of the participants had information about their pain management. The meanrnsatisfaction score was 7.13 (SD±2.23) respectively. The proportion of patients with highrnsatisfaction was 57.3%. Satisfaction scores were higher in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Urologyrnpatients than Orthopedic patients (ANOVA, p

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Patient Satisfaction With Postoperative Pain Management And Its Associated Factors In Adult Patients Undergoing Elective Surgery At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia