Assessment Of The Incidence Of Mechanical Complication Of Central Line Placement And Associated Factors At Different Health Institutions In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

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Background rnCentral venous catheters (CVC) are an essential component of modern medicine. They allowrndelivery of medications, intravenous fluids, parenteral nutrition, and hemodialysis andrnmonitoring of hemodynamic variables. Placement of central venous catheters is often associatedrnwith mechanical, infectious, and thromboembolic complications. Mechanical complications arerntissue trauma resulting in vascular, respiratory and cardiac complications as well as devicernrelated malfunctions happening In relation to central venous line insertion. rnObjective rnTo assess the cumulative incidence of central venous line mechanical complications and theirrnassociated factors at selected health facilities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021 GC. rnMethods rnA multi centered facility based cross- sectional study design was conducted at five differentrncenters from May to September 2021.The data was collected using structured questionnaires, rnadopted from previous study and modified for this study. The data was entered to Epi-data V 5rnfor cleaning and was exported to SPSS V 25 for analysis. Descriptive analysis and associationrnfor the variables were done. rnResults rnThe overall incidence of CVLMC among our study participants was found to be 49(22%) out ofrn219 participants. The study also showed increased central line mechanical complication amongrnpatients with 2 or more needle punctures at the same site (AOR=14.1 95CI: 3.59-55.28) andrnamong junior proceduralists than consultants (AOR=0.09 95CI: 0.009-0.94). rn Conclusion: Central venous line mechanical complications rate is higher with multiple samernsite needle attempts and among junior proceduralists.

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Assessment Of The Incidence Of Mechanical Complication Of Central Line Placement And Associated Factors At Different Health Institutions In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.