Effects Of Trypanosomiasis On Hematological And Plasma Biochemical Reference Parameters Of Small Ruminants In South West Ethiopia

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A study was carried out to investigate the effect of trypanosomiasis on the hematological andrnplasma biochemical parameters of small ruminants (sheep and goat) at Gera and Seka-Chekorsarndistricts in the Gojeb valley of Ghibe Omo river system, Jimma Zone, Oromiya region in thernsouthwest of Ethiopia. The mean hematological values of RBC (l1.8±2.8 X106/fll) , PCVrn(24.2±4.1 %), MCV (21.3±4.7f1), neutrophil (30.6± 12.8%), monocyte (3.2±2%) and basophilrn(0.8±0.9%) for small ruminants (sheep and goats) raised in high tsetse challenge area "ere foundrnto be smaller than the values ofRBC (l2.7±3.6 XI06Ifll), pev (26.8±9.8%), MCV (22 .3±8.4f1 ),rnneutrophil (32.7±10.S%), monocyte (4.6±3.2%) and basophil (0.6±0.8%) in low tsetse chall engernarea and the variation was statistically significant (P < O.OS). Smaller values of PCV and MCV inrnthe hematological parameters of small ruminants in the high challenge area could be the cause ofrnmicrocytic type of anemia. Significant differences (P < O.OS) were also observed bet"een sheerrnand goat species within the high challenge area in the values of MCV (21.9±4.7f1 for sheep.rn20.7±4.6f1 for goats), neutrophil (31.8± 12.8% for sheep, 29.2±12.6% for goats) and monoC)1ern(2.9± 1.7% for sheep, 3.S±2.3 %for goats) where the values were found to be higher in sheep thanrngoats . In the biochemical analysis values for AST (84.8±2S.8IU/L), ALT (l3.S ±6.SI U/L).rncreatinine (1. 1 ±0.2mg/dl), and total protein (4. 9±1.6g/dl) were smaller in small ruminants (sheeprnand goats) raised in high tsetse challenge area than the values of AST (116.S±44.9IC 'L). ALTrn(19.1 ±9.IIU/L), creatinine (1.2±0.3mg/dl ), and total protein (7 .6±2.9g/dl) in low challenge arearnand the difference in values between the areas were significant (P < O.OS). Within the highrnchallenge area significant di fference in some biochemical parameters (P < O.OS) were alsornobserved between sheep and goat species whereby the values of AST (91.3±2SIC L). AL Trn(14.3±7.3IU/L), and creatinine (14.3±7.3mg/dl) were found to be higher in sheep than the valuesrnof AST (80.3±46IU/L), ALT (l2. 6±S.4IU/L), and creatinine (1.1±0.2mg/dl) in goats . The studyrnalso showed higher values of cholesterol (94.S±32.Smg/dL) in small ruminants (sheep and goats)rnraised in high tsetse challenge area than the values of cholesterol (61.7±42.1mg/dL) in 10'.rnchallenge area whereas the values for triglycerides (93.4±43.7mmollL) were found to be smalkrrnthan the values for triglycerides (l07.S±37.4mmollL) in the low challenge area and the d ifferencernin both cases were statistically significant (P < O.OS). Thus it can be concluded from the stue),rnthat trypanosomiasis has a prominent effect on the hematological and plasma biochemica.lrnVIIIrnparameters of small ruminants In the high tsetse challenge areas of South Western parts ofrnEthiopia and attention should be given in utilizing the values of these parameters for assessingrnthe physiological status of animals for diagnostic purpose.rnKey words: Trypanosomiasis, small ruminant, hematological parameters, biochemicalrnparameters, southwest of Ethiopia

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Effects Of Trypanosomiasis On Hematological And Plasma Biochemical Reference Parameters Of Small Ruminants In South West Ethiopia