Nysc Orientation Camp Awgu

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  A1 this point of national awakening, since the nation has embarked on a newdcinoora~icrule, after years of military dictatorship, a search has been on for progranunes which will foster the involvement of all, particularly the youths with


their abundant energies and acquired skills in the dire task of nation building and acquisition of national consciousness. The searchlight has rested on the National Youlh Service Corps whose laudable objectives are geared towards the mundane task of nation building and towards the forging of a united Nigeria.


It is sad to note, that a programme with such laudable aims and objectives had been fraught with so many problems, among which is the need for well designed and equipped orientation camps for the orientation and redirection of our youths to help Lhmi meel up with the demllnds of the ever changing society. The availableoiientation camps are just mere adaptations of existing institutions that were not designed to cater for the peculiar nature of the orientation programme. Citing Col. E.


A. Akpan, the past director of the NYSC, 1984:


 ... Iu111envisuginy uriNYSCschenze that is not content withrhrnys us r l q ure... thut seeks to render them better, or better understood: one tllut is reudy to question, to inquire, to explore, to chunge, to seek u ~ dobtui~l better options, such that will emure the survivul of the sclzeme, now und for our coming gel~erurions".


 This research therefore, aims at the design of a model orientation camp from which other orientation camps will be designed.

In line with this, the research has been divided into two parts. The first part

 -    Research Analysis dwells extensively on research. Chapter one introduces the National Youth Service Scheme, and goes further to discuss the aims and objectives, scope, relevance and limitations of the study. The envisaged architectural problems we also stated. The NYSC orientation programme is discussed in chapter two with emphasis on the personnel, organisation and schedule of activities on camp. Chapter three deals with the research methodology used in carrying out the study while chapter four takes a look at existing camps both locally and internationally. Chapter five examines the design considerations taken in the design of the camp.


Part two of the project report is on the design proposal. It begins in chapter six with an analysis of the chosen site while the design standards and space programme follows in chapter seven. The report is concluded in chapter eight by the design synthesis, which analyses the design concept and design solution proposed.



The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme has been central to the successful realization of he dream "Nigeria". The NYSC scheme introduced into the Nigerian polity on 22"" May 1973 amidst widespread protests by the target category of youths, has however, over the years garnered for itself general acceptability and acclaimed as one of the most potent instruments in our collective


stride towards creating a humane, just and egalitarian society based on mutual trusts, tolerance and peaceful co-existence.


From the formative years of the scheme to its present age of maturity, the NYSC has made its impact felt in the socio-economic, educational and cultural dcveloprnents of the nation. It has been generally accepted that if Nigeria is to rnakc rapid progress on all fronts internally, and if she is to make her mark on the African arid indeed aillong the nations of the world, her youths must be fully nlobilised and be prepared to offer willingly and without asking for rewards in turn,

their best in the service of their nation at all times.


The  purpose  is  primarily  to  inculcate  in  Nigerian  Youths, the  spirit of


d i l e s  service  to  the  cormpmityand  to  emphasize  the  spirit  of  oneness  and


brotherhood of all Nigerians irrespective of cultural background. The history of our country s ~ n c independence has clearly indicated the need for unity amongst all our people, and demonstrated the fact that n o cultural or geographical entity can exist  in isdlutidn.


The   go-political,      social   and   economic    climate    in   Nigeria    soon   after

 independence in October 1960 raised serious and genuine doubts in the minds of most people about the capacity and capability of Nigerians and their leaders to


build one nation, strong and united. Thus, the admixture of centrifugal and centripetal forces which were pervasive underscored a deep-rooted internal wcskncss which threatened the survival of the nation often times regarded as a


mere    geographical     expression    contrived   by    the   erstwhile    British    Colonial Adilliriistration. In the course of the Civil War, there was wide realization that Nigeria would need to evolve some dynamic and forward-looking post war policies in order to exploit her abundant natural resources, maximize the utilization of her human resources particularly the highly framed category and heal the wounds of


the civil war by promoting national understanding and integration.


1.01.02             Aim and objectives of the Scheme


The underlying aim of the NYSC is to encourage unity among Nigerians using the instrument of cultural integration, and also to eradicate suspicion. f lwvevtr, during the pronulgation of the Decree establishing the NYSC, thefollowing were spelt out as the objectives of the NYSC:

(i)              To inculcate discipline in our youths by instilling in them a tradition of industry of work and of patriotic and loyal service to the nation on any situation they may find themselves.

 (ii)           To raise the moral tone of our youths by giving them the opportunity to learn about higher ideals of natural achievement and social and cultural improvement.

 (iii)        To devclop in youths altitude of mind, acquired through shared experience and suilable training which will make then more amenable to mobilization in the nalional interest.

(i~r)  To develop conmon ties among our youths and promote national unity by


ensuring thal:

 a)                as far as possible, youths are assigned to jobs in states other than their states of origin and away from their geographical, ethnic and cul~uralbackground;



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