The Role Of Computer In Fraud Selection And Prevention

Banking And Finance Project Topics

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          The research work was carried out in a bid to examine the role of computers in the detection and prevention of frauds in the Nigerian commercial banking industries.

1.                 The aim of the study was to know whether computers are more effective and efficient and efficient in the detection of frauds.

2.                 The study also identified how fraud can be prevented from reoccurring since the use computers would be widely employed.

3.                 More over this of work was done in five chapters with chapter one dealing with the in introduction to the body of the study, coupled with the aims of introducing computer in the baking industries.

In chapter two the review of related if literature is presented and it revealed among other thing the background issues that led to the use of computers for both daily transactions and the interaction within banking and other industries.

          Furthermore, chapter three deals on research design and methodology. Data collected mainly through secondarily mean. This means that information was gotten from journal newspapers and journals. In chapter four ,we gathered information how most banks use these computer to present and detect fraud and also we portrayed the advantage of the use of computers.

          On the basic of the data collected, analyzed and interpreted, investigations revealed among other things and in chapter five which is the last chapter, summary of findings conclusion and recommendation were done. 

          Finally, conscious efforts should intensified by the government and bank to ensure by the implementation of the of computers in banking industries .



Title page                                                                        ii

Approval page                                                                iii

Dedication                                                                      iv      

Acknowledgment                                                            v

Abstract                                                                          vi

Table of content                                                              viii


Introduction                                                                    1

1.1     Background of the study                                        1

1.2     Statement of problem                                             2

1.3     Objective of   study                                               3

1.4     Significant of study                                                3

1.5     Scope / limitation of the study                                4

1.6     Definition of terms                                                

1.7     Reference                                          


2.1             Review of related Literature                                    6

2.2             Computer in Nigeria Society                                   7

2.3             The use and Trends of Computer in Nigeria.                    8

2.4             Fraud and Banking Services                                   11

2.5             Natures and types of bank frauds                           12

2.6             Remedies                                                              19

References                                                                      21

CHAPTER THREE              

Research Design and Methodology                                  22     

3.0             Sources of Data                                                     22

3.1             Location of Data                                                    22                                  


Finding                                                                           23


Recommendation and conclusion                                     24                                  

5.1             Recommendations.                                                          24     

5.2                       Conclusion                                                  25

Bibliography                                                                   26                        





          The Nigeria banks has been the create of public attention especially in the area of frauds. Today in the banking section, and we find, fraudulent workers customer’s and so forth.  Due to the fact that fraud has been the order of the day as far as Nigeria is concerned and the only was which we can look into it is by using computer in the prevention and detection of the fraud., the computer was been of help in the deception of fraud. Never the less, fraud is something that is in learnt to the commercial banking industries.

          One of the problems facing Nigeria commercial Banker, Fraud. For the past decibels many banks have failed due commercial banks. But the inceptions of computer in the Nigerian commercial have actually helped in combating the problem of fraud in Nigeria commercial bank.   

          Today with the help of computer in Nigeria commercial banks, the network of breach can be viewed within some minute more also with the help of vast con – cirel a caliover of business activities either payments and receipts can be matters. The head officer of the bank today use computer to view the activities which took place in all the branches of the bank thereby curtailing the rate of fraud. Dormant accounts today in Nigerian commercial banks can be reviewed every day by the banks  management in and to prevent fraud that arises in dormant account.

          Computer has helped a lot in the Nigeria commercial banks the area of fraud prevention and detection in he sense that even the fraud that happened in a particular branch can be bedecked easily right from the lead officer of the banker.


Banks in Nigeria has been quite some times the Center of Public attention especially in the area of frauds. Frauds have been on he increase recent years. Although, fraud in the bank  is a global phenomenon, the growth in Nigeria had became as founding.

          In view of these fraudulent practice computer should use to detect and prevent fraud in the banking industries.


     The major objective of this study is

  • a.                  To high light the types of bank fraud.
  • b.                 To find out the possible ways defecting the fraud in the banking by the use of computer.
  • c.                 To find out ways of prevention of fraud of by the computer.    


1.                 As the topic implies much emphasis land on the problem of fraud which financially results in distressed banks. Significantly  the study has exposed us to the fact that even computers can do better than human being which it comes to detection of frauds.

2.                 The study will help the banker to be more prudent in their desk with the money deposited by  the their customers.

3.                 The study will also be of immerses help to others willing to carry out further research in this area.

4.                 More over the introduction of computer in the banking industries will help discourage those w          ho have the intention of involving in fraudulent acts. 


The study is intended to discover or detect fraud in the banking industries in Nigeria. And also to finds a possible ways of prevention avoid future occurrence for the research to achieve these primary objective, we had to go the whole length to avoid our Enugu library National library Enugu Britsh council university of Nigeria Enugu branch.

          The research therefore intends for the purpose of emphasis and convenience to in it the scope of research works to this institution in and grand Enugu state. The major circumstances that limit the extent of work carried out on this project is time factor. The time allocted for the study is very should. This has prevented us from carrying a much if more time was given.   

          Another problem faced is finance since we have to transport our selves from one library to another, transport fore period of fuel scarcity. Lastly is the unwillingness of some vital information belause vested to disclose they are banned from doing so or that gratification was not forth coming.. 


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The Role Of Computer In Fraud Selection And Prevention