Road Transportation Management And Customers Satisfaction (a Case Study Of Peace Mass Transit, Peace Park, Holy Ghost Enugu).

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Road Transportation was viewed by the researcher as a sine qua non in the economy whether developed or developing. Road transportation is seen as the engine of an economy. It links producers, suppliers, consumers and commuters. But poor, ineffective and inefficient road transportation system have crippled development and the collapse of many economic and social activities which have resulted in dissatisfaction among the customers in the industry. This is characterized by poor management that has resulted in the loss of life and property including damages worth unquantifiable amount of money. The researcher used primary and secondary sources and methods of data collection in the study. The researcher presented the data in tables and used simple percentages to analyze the data obtained. The findings of the research among others were that road transportation is very essential for the movement of goods and people. Inefficient roads all over the country make commuters uncomfortable. Lack of maintenance culture by drivers always result in breaking down of vehicles and poor services rendered to customers causes dissatisfaction. The researcher recommended that good roads  must be put in place to address the situation. Regular maintenance of vehicles and roads and provision of quality customer services that will satisfy the commuters who constantly use the roads and vehicles for their economic activities. Drivers who operate vehicles through the use of road can be improved by;

  1. Regular workshop for them on the use of roads.
  2. Motivational provision such as allowances for accident free driving in a period of time
  3. Other allowances for vehicle maintenance, provision of uniform and bonuses especially during feast days like Christmas are also recommended as incentives and motivational tools.
  4. Prefencial system of payment..


Title page                                                                         i

Certification page                                                             ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            iv

Table of contents                                                             vi

List of table                                                                      xi

Abstract                                                                           xii

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction

1.     Background of the study                                          1

1.2   Statement of the problem                                        2

1.3   Objectives/purpose of the study                              4

1.4   Research question/hypothesis                                        5

1.5   Significant of the study                                            5

1.6   Scope of the study                                                   6

1.7   Limitation of the study                                             6

1.8   Definition of special terms                                               7

References                                                               8

CHAPTER TWO: Review of the Related Literature

2.1   Theoretical framework                                     11

2.2   Historical background                                     15

2.3   Current literature on theories postulated above   16

References                                                       37

CHAPTER THREE: Research Design and Methodology

3.1   Research design                                               38

3.2   Sources of data                                                38

3.2.1        Primary source of data                                     38

3.2.2        Secondary source of data                                 39

3.3   The population of the study                             39

3.4   Determination of sample size                           40

3.5   Methods of data collection                                       41

      1. Questionnaire design, distribution and collection of responses                               41

3.6   Methods of data presentation and analysis     42

CHAPTER FOUR: Data Presentation and Analysis

Data presentation                                            43

Demographic characteristics                            43


Summary of Findings, Recommendation Conclusion

5.1   Summary of findings                                               61

5.3   Conclusion                                                      62

5.2   Recommendation                                             63

Bibliography                                                    64

Appendixes                                                      66





Road Transportation is a necessary end right from early history. The mobility of people and materials especially in the present days become one of the greatest needs that have to be adequately satisfied on our society and economy at large.

Transportation is referred to as the engine of the economy  (Kunri 2005:79). This means that with out transportation management system, the entire economy will suffer stagnation. Transportation helps to bridge the gap between producers, suppliers and industrials users as well as individual commuters.

Research has shown that transportation alone account for about 46% of the total physical distribution costs for manufacturing companies and 28 % for reseller companies

It is important to note that not much success can be accomplish in manufacturing, distribution of goods and services including the movement of people without transportation.

It is as a result of the great importance attached to transportation that man has over the years developed various transportation modes in other to facilitate the movement of people and materials. The mode of transportation selected will greatly depend on price, time, delivery, condition and destination, customer’s patronage, and past purchase satisfaction.

This poor transportation management can therefore jeopardize the source of procurement of materials; goods and services, movement or people and even course increase in prices and loss of lives.


Poor road transportation management is one major problem that is affecting the growth of the economy. Poor road transportation management has led to the ineffectiveness and collapse of the Nigerian road system that suppose to carry bulky goods from one city to another and has made inflation to be high. This in turn has bounced as the road transportation system characteristized by heavy duty lorries overworking the road system and the resultant effect is damages of roads causing accidents and loss of lives and property.

Poor management of Peace mass transit transportation system has caused breakdown of vehicles that has resulted in goods and movement of people not being able to reach their destination on time.

This poor management of road transportation systems has cost the nation a damaged image, loss of huge amount of money, loss of lives and properties and most customers are greatly dissatisfied with condition of road transportation in Nigeria.

Lack of poor technological development to monitor or regulate the speed of vehicles, lack of clean vehicles, high overloading of men and goods are great problems to road transportation. In addition, the poor attitude of drivers towards their passengers is nothing to write home about.


The over all objective of this research is to investigate the impact of road transportation management that will yield satisfaction to customers.

The specific objectives include:

To explore the operation of road transportation management in Nigeria as regard to peace mass Transit.

To identify the problems of road transportation management in Nigeria  

To determine the contribution obtained from effective road transportation management in Nigeria.

To identify the impact of road transportation management on the Nigerian economy

To make useful recommendation to road transportation management in Nigeria.


1.     Does road transportation management play any important role in the movement of goods and services?

Are commuters satisfied when there is breakdown of vehicle on the high way?

Are commuters satisfied when they do not reach their destination as scheduled?

Are commuters satisfied when driver is at high speed limit?

Does Peace Mass transportation company have adequate modern technology and infrastructure to the satisfaction of customer?


This study will be useful to many sectors of the economy, as little research has been done on this area. Thus road transport companies, ministry of works, transport, and academic will benefit immensely from this study.

Also, the commuters, manufacturing companies and businessmen especially the middlemen will equally benefit from the study.



This research work covers the road transportation system in Nigeria with special focus to PMT, their functions operationalization, problems and government policies to regulate this industry as to deliver maximum satisfaction to the public.


The researcher faced some limitation during the course of this research. Some branches or Peace Mass transport companies were unwillingly to supply the needed information due to the confidential and sensitive of the data. Thus research work have to source for the available data.

Time and financial factor were also the major factors as the timeframe to submit the project was too short for an extensive research. Lack of adequate finance to fund the researcher as to visit many places was another major setback.


MOT:       Ministry of Transport

VIO:         Vehicle Inspector Officer

FSLC:      First School Leaving Certificate

WEAC:     West African Examination Council

 NCE:       National Certificate of Education

OND:        Ordinary National Diploma

BSc:         Bachelor of Science

HND:        Higher National Diploma   

PMT: Peace  Mass  Transit

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Road Transportation Management And Customers Satisfaction