The Application Of Corporate Governance Principles In Dashen Bank

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Corporate governance is becoming the major building stone for most organizations. It servesrnas the nervous system of organizations to communicate among all participants and interest groups.rnThe importance of corporate governance is extended to the banking sector. Research indicates thatrnbanks without corporate governance fails in their operation. For this sake the organization ofrneconomic co-operation and development, and the Basel committee for bank supervision hasrndeveloped a standard to be adopted. In addition to this the National bank of Ethiopia has prepared arnguideline to be used by banks. The purpose of this study was to see how well corporate governancernconcepts are implemented at the Dashen Bank. To fulfill the research's goal, a descriptive case studyrnwas used. The study included all nine board managers, as well as the senior managers and the boardrnsecretary, for a total of 18 participants. The quantitative data was examined using writtenrnexplanations, whereas the data received by questionnaire was evaluated using frequency andrnpercentage values. Furthermore, the qualitative data (interview data) was evaluated alongside thernquantitative data to triangulate the questionnaire results. The findings show that the extent to whichrncorporate governance principles are applied in the Dashen Bank is positive, even though the bankrnstill has issues with improving the board's efficiency and effectiveness, as well as transparency andrndisclosure of relevant information. As a result, the study provided some feasible solutions forrnresolving the issues

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The Application Of Corporate Governance Principles In Dashen Bank