A Study On Human Resources Development

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The success of any  organization largely depends on the effectiveness of its human resources. The need for reappraising the human resources training and development in our organization is apparent. To this extent, this research work tried to identify the problems associated with human resources development with a view to developing means for improving effectiveness and efficiency in human resources management. To deal with this task, there was a background study, statement of problem, purpose of the study and the significant of the study were all stated. A review of related literature was carried out to uncover the trend of event concerning human resources development. As a means of gathering data, a structured and close-ended questionnaire was designed, validated, reproduced and administered on the sample of civil servants in Enugu North Local Government of Enugu State. These were all retrieved by the researcher after completion by the respondents. By and large, it was discovered among others, that there are training and development needs in other to replace retiring servants and even to cope with technological development-automation. There are also need to acquiring more skills on communication and human relation, the need to acquire administrative skills among others. It was also discovered that inadequate financial allocation constitute a cog on the wheel of these development efforts. Favoritism in selecting trainees and inability to identify the training/development need on which staff have interest also constitute a problem. At last it was recommended, that more financial allocation should be give to the local government to enable it execute its training/development programmes. Delegation of authority, job rotation, one the job training among others were the various method of training/development recommended.


Table 4.2:        Do you think there is need for more training/ development in order to do your present job?                                         42

Table 4.3:        Response on type of present training/development need                     43

Table 4.5:        Response on Reasons for Not Having Training/Development Needs              45

Table:              Response on Training method                48

Table 4.8:        Response on the type of training/development                             49




Title page                                                                                i

Approval page                                                                 ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                           iv

Abstract                                                                          v

List of table                                                                     vi

Table of contents                                                            vii


INTRODUCTION                                                   1

1.1      Background of the study                                        1

1.2      Statement of the problem                                       4

1.3      Objective of the study                                             5

1.4      Research question                                                  6

1.5      Significance of the study                                        7

1.6      Scope of the study                                                  7

1.7      Limitation of the study                                           8

1.8      Definition of terms                                                  9


Review of Related Literature                                 11

2.1      Enugu north local government area of Enugu state 11

2.2      The role of human resources in an organization   13

2.3      Importance of training, development and utilization of human resources                                                        15

2.4      Identification of training and development needs

of human resources in Enugu north local

government area of Enugu state                            21

2.5      Method of training and development                     25

2.6      Problems associated with training and

Development                                                           29

2.7      Prospects of training and development of

human resources                                                    33



3.1      Research design                                                      35

3.2      Area of the study                                                    35

3.3      Population of the study                                          36

3.4      Sample and sampling procedures                          36

3.5      Instrument of data collection                                 37

3.6      Validity of the instrument of data collection          38

3.7      Reliability of instrument                                         39

3.8      Method of data collection                                       39

3.9      Method of data analysis                                         40


PRESENTATION ANALYSIS                                    41

Presentation analysis                                                     41

Summary of findings                                                      



5.1      Discussion of results                                              54

5.2   Conclusion                                                              56

5.3   Recommendations                                                  57

5.4   Suggestion for further findings                              59

References                                                              60

Appendix I                                                               61

Appendix II                                                             62




The attainment of objective and goal of any organization depends upon the development and utilization of people in it. The efficiency of an organization whether private or public depends to a large extent on how effectively human resource is being utilized. This is why it is important that organization must seek and obtain the willing cooperation of the people it has to work with, so as to attain its desired objective. Human resources managers must work, employ and develop programmes and policies that will enable them to obtain the best results from the employees. Organizations are being forced to operate in an increasingly competitive environment and this places emphasis on the role of management in developing human resource in order to meet its objective in the search for organizational effectiveness.

There is an increasing range of specialized skills to help line managers whether in business public administration or other organization while struggling to achieve objectives of an organization there are a number of tools which can help managers in the execution of work and activities which have to be undertaken in forecasting, planning, organizing and controlling many of these tools that will help to solve the problems affecting human resources development.

However, there are problem affecting human resources development in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. These problems discourages an employee from contributing his maximum human potentials which are necessary to make for higher productivity, profitability and growth.

Human resources development is the part of human resources management that socially deals with training and development of employees. Training is used to denote the teaching of technical skills to non-managerial personnel. While development on the other hand is concerned with the improvement given to the technical conceptual and human relation skill of managers (Ojemba Gabriel Agbo 2010: 124). Carrying out/implementing these two concept above is not an easy task since in public sector like the Enugu North local Government, training and development is regarded as a venture that can only be carried out when enough fund is available and hence training and development is relegated to the background. Brim-Donaha (1981: 365) agrees with this when he lamented, that many organizations see human resources development as a will to be enjoyed in gold times and when money is more readily available but to be out when money supplies dwindle.

The filed of management posses many problems and these problems affect human resources development. The problem to be discussed in this research includes inadequate selection, recruitment placement training, motivation, industrial relation communication and other environmental factors that affect human resources development in the six department of Enugu North Local Government area of Enugu State, namely; works, personnel, health, welfare, accounts and finance departments.



The high level of inefficiency among all categories of public servant has manifested itself in the inability of public organization to fulfill the objective for which they are established. The problem of this study is to investigate the inhibiting factors affecting the development of human resources in Enugu North Local Government area of Enugu State. This problem could be in ternal or external factors. It could be caused by ignorance, when employees are organization are not aware of the need or important of human resources development of in Enugu North.


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A Study On Human Resources Development