Problems And Prospect Of Personnel Management In Enugu State Government Commercial Parastatals

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The problems and prospects of personnel management in Enugu state Government parastatals, a cast study of Enugu state Marketing Company Limited is the focus of this study. This was however carried out with a view to determining the personal polices of this organization and the extent to which it has been adhered to: to identify the problem encountered in the implementation of the policies and make recommendations based on the findings on how best to remedy the problem. For the purpose of study, respondents were drawn by means of stratified random sampling data were collected by the use of questionnaire interviews and library researches. These data were presented and analysed using percentages tables and bar charts. While Chi-square statistics was used to test the hypothesis. The result of the study however showed that the problem of personnel management in Enugu state marketing company limited are caused by: poor manpower planning due to government undue inference with personnel management and policies of the company etc. The research findings and subsequent recommendations may not be exhaustive of the problems of personal management in Enugu State Marketing  company has further research is nevertheless recommended.




Title page                                                                        i

Certification                                                                    ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                           iv

Abstract                                                                          v

Table of contents                                                            vi


1.0      Introduction                                                            1

1.1      Back ground of the study                                       1

1.2      Statement of the problem                                       4

1.3      Objectives of the study                                           5

1.4      Research questions/hypothesis                             6

1.5      Significance of the study                                        7

1.6      Scope of the study                                                  8

1.7      Limitations of the study                                         9

1.8      Definition of terms                                                  9

CHAPTER TWO                               

Review of related literature                                            11

2.2      Overview of the problems of personnel management 14

2.3      Causes of the problems of personnel management 17

2.4      Problems & prospects of personnel management

in Enugu state government commercial parastatals 42

2.5      The background of Enugu state marketing

company limited                                                     43

References                                                              51


Research methodology                                                    53

3.1      Source of data                                                         53

3.2      Population of the study                                          54

3.3      Determination of sample size                                 54

3.4      Sample technique                                                   57

3.5      Selection and construction of research instrument 57

3.6      Administration of research

instrument (questionnaires)                                  58

3.7      Instrument return rate                                          59


Data presentation and analysis and interpretation      60

4.1      Questionnaire administration to respondents       60

4.2      Background information of the respondents         61

4.3      General information on the

research problems/objectives                                66


5.0    Summary of finding, recommendation

and conclusion                                                        85

5.1    Summary of findings                                             85

5.2      Recommendations                                                  88

5.3      Conclusion                                                              92

Bibliography/reference                                          94

Appendix 1                                                              97

Appendix 11                                                            98





The aim of an organization irrespective of nature and from is to achieve predetermined goods and objectives. However for these goals and objective to be achieved there has to be primarily a well developed and articulated work force (personnel) upon which the activities of the organization will resolve. The importance of personnel of human resources in an organization is succinctly captured by Likert as quote in Ejiofor (1987-157) that “all the activities of any enterprise are initiated and determined by persons who make up that institution plans, offices, computers automated equipments and else that the modern firm uses are unproductive except for human effort and direction of all the lest of management, managing the human component is central and most important task because all else depends on how well it is been done.

Personnel management is that part of the process of management that is concerned with the maintenance of human relationship and ensuring the physical well being of employees so that the give the maximum contribution to efficient working. According to French (1994:9) personal management is a system of obtaining the best possible staff for an organization and having gotten them look after them so that they will star and give their best to their jobs. Thus any organization that aimed at achieving its goals must not only ensure that constant or adequate supply of personnel but must ensure that such personnel are adequately trained and motivated. Ejiofor (1989:165) has defined motivation a the process of influencing subordinates or followers  to work for a case designed by the motivator or leader. Also Nwachukwu (1988:181) sees motivation as the energizing force that induces or compels and maintain behaviour he further deigned training as organization effort aimed at helping an employee acquire basic skill required for the efficient execution of the functions for which he was hired for.

In the world of Norbert M.H.E (199:245) is a general terms used to refer to entire class of drivers desires, needs, wishes and similar forces. According he says that it refer to the driver and effort to satisfy a want or goals.

However, while Black (1978: 11) pointed out that the effective use of personnel is the key to organization productivity. Nwahcukwu (1988:121) alluded that employee productivity is a function of ability will and situational factor. Hence, an organization man have employee of adequate strength and ability yet the productivity would fall below expected level consequently, it is against this back ground of interviewed causes the this research sought to examine the problems of personnel management.

In Enugu State marking company limited with a view make suggestion on how best to remedy the problem in this organization in particular and other state government commercial parastatals in general                                  


A logical approach to the consideration of personnel management function is to look first of all the overall company organization and man power planning. Then the operation necessary to implement the plan, that is recruitment and selection training and development wage and salary administration, other aspects of personnel, management, welfare safety and other employees services.

However, currently in Enugu State there eve government interventions in the performance of personnel management functions in stat government, commercial parastatals. Also new terms such as disengagement rationalization and re-organization are appearing in the current personnel polices these have tended to affect adversely the performance of personnel management functions and workers productivity, hence the need for this investigation.     



The objectives of this study therefore are as stated blow

1.          Find out how and who is responsible for the development of personal policies in the Enugu State Marketing company limited.

2.          To ascertain the extent to which the personnel policies is adhered to in Enugu State Marketing company limited.

3.          To identify the problems encountered in the implementation of the personnel in the Enugu state marketing company limited.

4.          To make recommendation based on the research findings on how best to remedy the problems.         


Sequel to the state objectives the study seeks answers to the following questions.

1.          What are the current personnel policies in Enugu State Government Commercial parastatals?

2.          Who is responsible for implementation these policies?

3.          To what extent have these polices been adhered?

4.          What problems have been encountered in the implementation of personnel policies.

5.          What effect have these policies on the performance of the workers.

The study founded the following hypothesis for empirical testing.

a.          That level of adequate personnel policies in Enugu State marketing company limited is directly related to the poor workers performance.

b.          That government intervention in the personnel management functions effect adversely the performance of workers in Enugu State Marketing Company  limited.

c.          The lack of proper  adherence to existing personnel policies is directly related to the bane of productivity in Enugu Sate marketing limited.  

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Problems And Prospect Of Personnel Management In Enugu State Government Commercial Parastatals