The Role Of Effective Leadership In The Achievement Of Organizational Goals

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The main purpose of this research study was to appraise the roles of effective leadership in the achievement of organization objectives, especially in the institute of management and technology, IMT Enugu, in Enugu state. This research work was conducted in  Enugu State. The area of study constitute the institute of management and technology personnel and union leader. To elicit reliable and accurate information, based on the above topic, a total number of two hundred and nine for the personnel and union leaders were used by the research to obtain reliable information based on the study. The outcomes of the study  revealed that the role of  effective leadership have great impact in the  achievement of organization objectives, that the institute of  Management and Technology, have  efficient and effective machinery to implement  her planned programme for effective leadership roles and that the union  leaders and personnel are satisfied with the roles of organization objectives. The conclusions reached were that every organization should consider some internal and external factors before choosing the kind of leadership style and the effective leadership should be empowered and encouraged by the subordinates.Based on the findings and the conclusion, the following recommendation were made that organization should choose leaders that are goal and people oriented that a true democratic. Leadership style is recommended as the best leadership style for every  organization that want to achieve her organization  objectives. Finally subordinates should encourage and support the efforts of effective leadership so as to achieve organization  objectives.  



Title page                                                                                 i

Approval page                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                           v

Table of contents                                                             vi



INTRODUCTION                                                              1

1.1      Background of the study                                          1

1.2      Statement of the problems                                       4

1.3   Objectives of the study                                             7

1.4      Research questions                                                  9

1.5      Formulation of hypothesis                                               9

1.6      Significance of the study                                          10

1.7      Scope of the study                                                   12

1.8      Limitations of the study                                           12

1.9      Definition of terms                                                   12

References                                                               14



REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE                            15

2.1      Overview                                                                  15

2.2   Definition of leadership                                           16

2.3      Type of leadership styles.                                         19

2.4      Nature of leadership                                                        20

2.5      Various approaches leadership                                25

2.6      The trait approach to leadership                              28

2.7      The situational approach to leadership                   31

2.8      Fielder’s contingency approach to leadership          33

2.9      Leadership behaviour and styles                             34

References                                                               41




RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                                         43

3.1      Introduction                                                             43

3.2   Design of the research study                                    43

3.3   Area of study                                                            44

3.4      Population of the study                                            44

3.5      Sample size and sampling techniques.                    45

3.6      Instrument for data connection                                       46

3.7      Validation of the research instrument                     46

3.8      Reliability of the research instrument                      47

3.9      Methods of administration of the research instrument 47

References                                                               49




4.1   Data presentation                                                    50

4.2      Test of hypothesis                                                    63

4.3      Discussion of results                                               71




5.1      Summary of findings                                                       73

5.2      Conclusions                                                             74

5.3      Recommendation                                                     75

5.4      Contributions to knowledge and areas of

further studies                                                         76

Bibliography                                                            77

Appendix                                                                 79

Questionnaire for IMT Personnel                             80










An effective leadership has been widely acknowledged as a potent instrument for achieving organisation goals   and objectives especially in the Institution of Management and Technology, IMT, Enugu.

Leadership is an important aspect of managing the ability to lead effectively is one of the keys to being an effective manager; the essence of leadership is fellowship. In otherwords, it is the willingness of people to follow that makes a person a leader. Moreover, people tend to follow those whom they perceive as providing a means of achieving their own desires, wants and needs. That is why any organization that desires to achieve her objectives, must have an effective and efficient leadership who knows how to apply all the management principles in achieving her organizational objectives. The leader must be one who is willing to work with zeal and confidence. Zeal here reflect ardor earnestness, and intensity in the execution of work, confidence reflects experience and technical ability. To lead is to guide, conduct, direct and proceed. Leaders act to help a group achieve objectives with maximum application of its capabilities. They should not be leaders who do not stand behind a group or organization to push and to proud. They should place themselves before. The group as they facilitate progress and inspire the group to accomplish organizational goals.

This is the kind of leadership we desire to have in our institutions especially in IMT, Enugu. Furthermore, it should be noted that, any organization without an effective efficient leadership is like one driving a car without a head-lamp in the night. This could be very dangerous and could also limit their chances of achieving their objectives. That most organizations do not realize their goals and objectives could be attributed to inefficient and ineffective leadership.

For an institution like IMT, to realize all her laudable organizational goals should have an effective leadership who possess all the required leadership traits and qualities.

Leadership according to Katz and Kahn (1978:p.16) is generally defined simply as influence, the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly to achieve a group goal. This concept can be enlarged to imply not only willingness to work but also willingness to work with zeal and confidence. Zeal reflects ardor, earnestness, and intensity in the execution of work, confidence reflects experience and technical ability. To lead is to guide, conduct, direct and precede.

The institution of Management and Technology have the following problems in the achievement her goals. They include, inefficient leadership, environmental factors, policy inconsistency, political instability, interference from the government, poor funding, poor management etc.



The Institute of Management and Technology, IMT, Enugu, has been one of the leading polytechnics in the country and in Enugu State, particularly in terms of enhancing qualitative education in both management and technology. One of her objectives is the integration of the individual with the society and the preparation of the individual for effective function in the society. This remark was made known by Njenze, the then the rector of this institution.     

This institution has trained and education so may prominent Nigerians and has helped in the enhancement of Science, management and technology in the country.  Most parents organisations proffers to send their wards, Childrens and their staff to undergo some courses in management and technology.  This is because of the satisfactory performances of others who have attended their higher institution here in IMT.

To this regard, there have been concerned effort by both the Federal and State Government and even the governing council of IMT in the enhancement of the roles of effective leadership in the achievement of her objectives.  The vice president of Nigeria, Atiku Abubakar had -–announced a handsome reward or package a waiting the best institution of higher- learning who had distinguished herself in stepping or producing cultism meanness in our tertiary institutions, checking drug abuses among students, examination mal practices and above all in achieving her organisational goals and objectives.

But inspite of all the effort being made by government, most higher institutions are still experiencing various problems in the achievement of their goals, particularly in I M T, Enugu.

There is relatively low level of standard in our educational system, cultism, incessant strike actions, mismanagement of funds by these in the holism of affairs, there is relatively low level of productively as most personnel are not putting in their best poor planning and implementation and their subordinates as this will not bring fruitful result in the achievement of organizational goals especially in IMT Enugu.

To this extent, therefore to the objectives of this institution in this regard has not been comprehensively met.  One can therefore safety assume that.  When one passes through an institution like IMT will be well prepared for participating and leadership roles in the development of the Nigeria society.

These give rise to the following pertinent questions as regards to the above-mentioned problems what are the roles of the effective leadership in the achievement of organisational goal?  What goals are they expected to pursue?   What impact would their roles have in the employees utilization of capability?

What strategies were been adopted in enhancing the roles of effective leadership?  What strategies are currently been used?

Is any need for the roles of efficient leadership, are the students satisfied with the roles of efficient leadership in the achievement of the institution’s goals and objectives. Do they have the efficient and effective machinery to implement her planned programmer ?  What leadership styles and the best climate would enable them achieve her objectives, what factors or problems affecting the roles of efficient leadership in the achievement of organsitional goals, what other possible ways would be recommended in the realization of these goals and objectives.



        The study will address the following objectives.

i.               To evaluate the roles of effective leadership in achieving organisational goals and objectives

ii.             To determine the impact of the role of efficient leadership in an organisation.

iii.           To find out if there is any need for the role of effective leadership in an organization.

iv.            To assess whether the strategies adopted have been very effective and efficient in the achievement of organization goals.

v.              To study the climate under which an effective leadership will thrive.

vi.            To find out whether, the students and the employees are satisfied with the roles of effective leadership in an organisation

vii.          To study whether the roles of effective and efficient leadership have been very effective and efficient in achieving organisational goals.

viii.        To find out the problems limiting the efficacy of the roles of effective organisational goals.

ix.           To recommend on how best to enhance the effective and efficient roles of effective leadership in the achievement of organisational goals.


To solve the research problems, the researcher or the investigator has asked the following questions.

i.            What role does effective leadership play in the achievement of organization goals.

ii.          Which leadership style is most profound in the institute of management and technology Enugu.

iii.        Which role does effective leadership impact in the employees utilization of capability

What environment factors affect the roles of effective leadership in the achieving organizational goals.

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The Role Of Effective Leadership In The Achievement Of Organizational Goals