Goodwill Management In Nigerian Business Organization

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          The concept of Goodwill should be critically studied and analyzed to present a proper appreciation of the study as used by most business managers who want to set up productive industries.  For the purpose of this study it shall take on Goodwill in an existing productive industries (PHINOMAR FEEDS NIGERIA LTD).

          Goodwill look to the future and prepare for it.  One important way is to develop the firm to that they can cope with new demands, new problems and new challenges.  Indeed, there must be a development programme for the Goodwill in order to challenge in barriers that might block the movements of the organization with their full potentialities.

          Before, the view prevailed that through practical  experience alone people would rise to managerial position.  During the war need for development programme at this first line supervisory level becomes evident and concentrated effort were made to satisfy was conducted for this need but no systematic development programme in management theory. They simply were assigned to responsible with little or not formal development programme in management theory i.e the middle and upper level of production.

          However, during the 1950’s firms become aware that Goodwill indeed required special knowledge and skills that can thoughts strongly enough although the need was recognized many years age the outlook for the future is not encouraging.

          According to John Miner, the United State fall a shortage of Goodwill management talent that could threaten the growth and effectiveness of management enterprises.  This has created a need for Goodwill development more urgent than that of the past.

          It is a known fact that in the world today, modern information system is a necessity.  It is only through development programme that Goodwill hope to bridge the gap existing in the modern business organization.

          Hence, it is said that theory thing in life simultaneous changing which bring about ideas, innovations and new managerial skills. The only way to cope with the changes especially in management is through development programme for the Goodwill, it is continues process and if you cannot develop do not blame them.  Competent Goodwill manager would not remain competent forever.  Their skill can deteriorate, technology may more than obsolete, the organization may move new areas, changing the types of jobs that exist and the skills necessary to do them this reality has not be overlooked by management. Of course Goodwill themselves can benefits from skills development efforts.



          As stated earlier, the manipulation is on evaluation of Goodwill development in modern business organization.  The researcher should want to know the problem of Goodwill deficiency in modern business world.

(i)                Some directives of business sector at times carry all sorts of protestations to back their demand in dismissing their workers.

(ii)             Often these actions degenerated into full scale demonstration leading to loss in man hours and this invariably means loss in productivity.

(iii)           The issue of Goodwill development programme is therefore very important in modern business organization, although the important of development programme is neglected by some business sectors directions and policy formulation of some organization.  So the researcher wants to find out the actual problems and proffer a solution.



          It is the purpose of the study to examine Goodwill development in modern business organization with a view to ascertaining how they influence Goodwill to perform efficiently for increased performance.

          The following are the main objective of the study;

(i)                To make a critical examination and evaluation of the Goodwill development programme in PHINOMAR FEEDS LTD.

(ii)             To evaluate their appropriateness with a view to ascertain. To exist a position, corrections between Goodwill management and internalized performance.

(iii)           To examine the appropriateness of the management programme for the effect utilization of the available human resources in achieving their set objectives.

(iv)           To investigate into the Goodwill management scheme in PHINOMAR FEED LTD so as to find whether problem exist in their programmes and ways of resolving such problems. 



          The following research question are put together;

(i)                Does PHINOMAR FEEDS NIG. LTD run any production and how effective is it increasing productivity?

(ii)             If any is the programme run internally and externally?

(iii)           Are mangers running the programme being achieving enhancing the efficiency of the Goodwill?

(iv)           What importance does PHINOMAR FEED LTD place on Goodwill development?



          As a result of the point discusses above, the problem of this study is to evaluate the Goodwill management of PHINOMAR FEED LTD in modern business organization like industrial related matters or issue.

Ho:    Goodwill management programme in PHINOMAR FEED LTD

Hi:     Goodwill management programme can solves     operational problem in modern business organization    like industrial related matters or issue.

Ho:    Goodwill management programme in PHINOMAR      FEEDS LTD solves operational problem in modern        business      organization like industrial related matters          or issue.

Ho:    Management programme in PHINOMAR FEEDS LTD          improve Goodwill productivity.

Hi:     Management programme in PHINOMAR FEEDS LTD          cannot improve Goodwill productivity


Ho:    Management programme in PHINOMAR FEEDS LTD          cannot vary positively with Goodwill business success.

Hi:     Management Programme in PHINOMAR FEEDS LTD          varies positively with Goodwill business success.


Ho:    Management programme in PHINOMAR FEEDS LTD          cannot evaluate their productive development.

Hi:     Management programme in PHINOMAR FEEDS LTD          evaluates their productive development.



          The study is important because is well evacuated how well management programme would lead to job performance.  Also, how successful development policies are prerequisite to high productivity and job satisfaction.

           In addition research work are not only to achieve personal satisfaction but to advance knowledge by the provision of empirical facts for the good of man.

          This study, therefore will expose the various affecting the programme in modern business organization.  This study is concerned significance  in that, the information it will provide will be wonderful to managers, business executives, shareholders, management, academics, the Nigerian Institute of Management and the general public in respect to the poor achievement derived from the and practical knowledge of management.


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Goodwill Management In Nigerian Business Organization