Phytochemical Investigation On The Seeds Of Vernonia Galamensis

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n,t! gel/lis vernonia is one of the larges/ groups ill 'he fam ily Asferaceae and iI/eludesrn/IIore than 1000 :c.pecies disfributed widely in /ropica/ and sub tropical regions oj Africa.rnAsia (lml America.rnVemonio ga/amensis is a new pOlentiat industrial oil seed crop for semiarid areas wilhrnvery high col/lenl of nalurally epoxidized vernolic acid (80% of the oil). The epoxy oil ofrnthis seed also contaills linoleic: acid (J 2% 1014%), oleic acid (4% (0 6 %). stearic acidrn(2% /0 3%), palmitic acid (2% /0 3%) and a Irace amOllnl of arachidic acidrnThe elich/oroll/ethane and methanol extraels of lite seed of vernonia galamellSis af/ordedrnVG-3 {lI1d VG-4A respectively. The structural eillcic/alion of these compounds wasrndetermined based on fR, UV, / H NMR, /Jc NMR and lD NMR (COSY, HSQC andrnf-IMBC) spectra. Moreover, the literature values of selected / H NMR and /3C NMRrnspectra of methyl vernolate are mlltched wirh I H NMR and /3C NMR speCI((I of VG-J lindrnVG-4A

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Phytochemical Investigation On The Seeds Of Vernonia  Galamensis