Solid-state Photoelectrociiemical Solar Energy Conversion Based 0n Blends Of Poly(3-hexylthiopi-iene)fullerene And Poly (paraphenylene) Derivativeifullerene
Sol id· st:lle pholoclccll"Ochcmical cclls(PECs) based 0 11 blends of conj ugatcd semiconductingrnpolymers and Buckminsterfullerene have been constructed and studi ed . The PEe contains arnphotoac livc layer consisting of poly(3-hcxylthiophenc) (P3HT) or pol y(2-mclhoxy-5-{)',T dimcthyloctyoxyl)-rn1,4-phcnylencvinylcl1c) (MDMO-PPV) as electron donor andrnBuckminsterfullerene (C60) as electron acceptor, an ion conducting polymer el ect rolyterncon taining amorphous p oly(clhylcnc 0 ,'(ide) ( POMOE) C omplcxcd ilh 1.;'/1" r cdox couplernand a count er electrode poly(JA-clh ylcncd iox)1hiophcnc) (PEDOT) coaled on indiulllrndoped tin oxide (ITO) coated glass. The phOloclcclrochcm ica! properties of solid- state PECrnusing pure P3HT and pure MDMO-PPV as a photoact ive layer were used for comparison.rnThe effective area of the PECs studied was I cm2rn. The construc ted PECs have resulted in thernfollow ing solar cell parameters: Voc = 97.8 mV, Isc = 7.28 ~tAcJl1·2, FF = 0.26, IPCE = 0.43rn% for blend of PJ HT/Cw. and Voc = 146 mV, Iso: = 0.171 ~lAcJ1l ·2 , FF = 0.25. tPCE = 0.012rn% for blcnd of MDMO·PPV/Cw based PEC at incident light inten si ty of 100 mW/cm2rn•rnAnalysis of the photoelectrochcmical properties 0 f I he cell s s howed I hal blends 0 f P 3HTrnwith C60 and MDMO-PPV wi th C60 based PECs have better short·circ uit cu rrent (Iso:) andrnincident monochromatic photon 10 current conversion efficicncy (1PCE %) compared to thatrncontain ed pure PJ HT and MDMO·PPV. However, the open·circuit voltage (Vue) and !illrnfac tor (FF) obtained showed better values for the pure P3HT and MDMO·PPV based PECs.