Simultaneous Chemical Transport Reaction Of Zinc- And Cadmium- Chalcogenides

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Usi ng thermodynamical data and a computer program a selection of source and deposi trntemperature at which : 1 meta llic atomic ratio of ternary single crysta ls of zi nc cadmiumrnchalcogenides can be synthes ized from the binary Zinc- and cadmium- chalcogcn idcs wererndeterm ined. In the group of bromine, chl orine and iodine the best transporting agent wasrnselected. Allheoretically determined source and deposit temperature ternary single crystals ofrncadmium zinc sulfide and cadmium zinc sclcnidc were sy nthesizcd by CTR. In this cnse,rn2 X 10-6 mglcm3 of iodine were used as Iransponing agent in an ampoule of length 10 - 11 elllrnwith 14mm ID and 17mm 00. Finally the compositions o rlhe synthesized ternary crystals wererndclcmlined by AAS. lllC experimental results are in agreement with the theoreti cal predictionsrnwith very smull error.

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Simultaneous Chemical Transport Reaction Of Zinc- And Cadmium- Chalcogenides