Chemical Investigations Of Heteronema Erecta And An Unidentified Sponge From The Red Sea

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Hcteronemin , a pentacyclic sestcrterpene has beenrnCharacterized from the Chloroform extr act of an unidentifiedrnsponge sample collected f rom Mas sawa, Red Sea . the Structurernwas established by 1H nmr, 13C nmr , and mass spetralrninterpretation.rnAnother C29 compound characterized as B- sitosterol ,rnhas been isolated from the Chloroform extract of anotherrnunidenti f i ed sponge samp l e, collected from the same localityrnas the firs t one. Th e s truc t ure of the ste rol was characterizedrnby spectral interpreta tion, and compa ring its physica l cons tantsrnwith authentic sample.

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Chemical Investigations Of Heteronema Erecta And An Unidentified Sponge From The Red Sea