How To Improve Agricultural Production Through Cooperative (a Case Study Of Selected Cooperative In Agwu Local Government Area Of Enugu State)

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 The research work on the topic, “How to improve Agricultural production through Cooperative using selected cooperative societies in Enugu sate: A Case study of Awgu L.G.A was carried out to survey the programmes constituted by government to mobilize peasant farmers into agricultural cooperative and functional ones more productive as a way of facilitating the attainment of self sufficiency in agricultural productivity in the country. The general constraints that effect the achievement of the objectives in Agwu LGA was identified. These include ill conceived and inefficient extension services, inadequate farm storage facilities and organized marketing outlets, use of crude farming implements. Complex land texture system, non-restriction of membership which may lead to the down fall of the society among others.

















Title page                                                                                          i

Approval page                                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                                        iii

Acknowledgement                                                                           iv

Abstract                                                                                           v

Table of content                                                                                vi


1.0    Introduction                                                                           1

1.1             Background of the study                                                       1

1.2             Statement of problem                                                            4

1.3             Objective of the study                                                            5

1.4             Research question                                                                 6

1.5             Significance of the study                                                        6

1.6             Scope and limitation of the study                                         8

1.7             Definition of terms                                                                 9


2.0       Literature Review                                                                   11

2.1       Definition of Agriculture                                                        11

2.2       The Importance of Agriculture                                              11

2.3       The types of Organizational forms of Agriculture                13

2.4       After Production (Storage, Processing, Financing

and Marketing Cooperatives                                                 18

Bibliography                                                                           29


3.0    Summary of findings, recommendation and conclusion     30

3.1       Summary and Findings                                                         30

3.2       Recommendation                                                                   33

3.3       Conclusion                                                                             35

Appendix                                                                                37

Questionnaire                                                                  38




In Awgu local government most inhabitants survive through agricultural and main occupation is subsistence farming which attracted the interest of many cooperative societies both existing ones and new initiated ones. Improving the agricultural productions was their main target and interest and at the same lifting the level of its individuals. Improvement target was both in size and qualities were poor and could not be marketed most of the crops having pest scales and most couldn’t grow well in other to produces as expected. The product that were severally affected were yam tubers, cassava stems and tubers, coco yams, vegetables.

According to Mr Udo Nwabueze in his leaflet printed to educate the public on cooperative titled cooperative for better tomorrow. In the seventies, the Awgu LGA economy had non sectional  dependency on agriculture as the main source for earnings and the main sources of employment for over teaming population. In the eighties we took one leap, from this dependency on agriculture to a higher dependency on trade and white cola jobs.

He continued but saying that Awgu local government agriculture is still complete peasentised hocutlass economy with a large member of at most a small holder producers.

Summarily, one observes that agriculture in Awgu local government is still semi substantial and the output from agricultural production can neither feed the teaming population nor provide the essential raw material for the agro-based industries. The export of the states major cash crop, which has in the past supported the economy, has virtually stopped.

While a lot observes dwelt on the urgent need to revitalize this sector Onuma implied the adverse effects of no realization of the agricultural sector nothing.

Under such conditions all, it needed was famine and kwashiorkor to be evident is the villages was a little more soil erosion or drought a little more reduction in the flames of village actions or some aggravating circumstance.

Further more, one wondered why it is taking the state so long despite its abundant hand and knows how to revitalize the agricultural sector and serve the syriods of inhabitants of Awgu local government who are both undated kwashiorkor stricken and undernourished.

While emphasizing the importance of improving agricultural production through cooperative Igobor said it has now drained on the government that defense on the external sources of food supply has ground stability consequence because it lies the state independence to the uncertainties of ridiculed.

According of Awgu food Journal of agriculture was the backbone of the states economic development to thousands of Enugu state economic development to thousands of Enugu state indigenes and over 95% of the labour force mostly from rural areas, continued the report, agriculture produces feeds for the animals that provide protein to the well being of man cannot be over emphasized.

Most important also is the production of palm product for industries palm products means materials that came from palm farm or plantation such as kernel, oil etc.

All these made the government to organize these peasant farmers into agricultural cooperative with a view of having massive food production and attainment of self sufficiency in a agricultural product in the country.


Nigeria had embarked on various programme and policies costing hundred of millions of naira aimed at reviling the depressed agricultural sector.

In view of this agricultural cooperators was instituted so as to organize the small scale farmers who are still involved in manual labour type of farming in cooperative and had failed to produce enough food for our teaming population. These by forcing the country to be involved in importation of large quantity of food with a huge percentage decline in agricultural exports.

Both all these governmental efforts have not actually hard much significant improvement in this sector as much emphasis is now being place on agriculture.

This cell for urgent re-examination of the role of these agricultural production sure its aim of facilitating the attainment of self sufficiently in agricultural and making agriculture to take its prime position in the national economy.



Broad objective of the study is to undertake a study of the exiting farmer co-operative societies and effects in improving the development of agriculture specify.

Specific objective of the study

1)          Determine the role of cooperative in Awgu local government area.

2)          Determine social economic activities of cooperative in the study area

3)          Determine the nature of cooperative in the study area.

4)          Determine the problem of cooperative in the study area

5)          Determine the solution of cooperative in Awgu local government area.



1)          What are the roles of cooperative in Awgu local government?

2)          What are the social economic activities of cooperative in the study area?

3)          What are study the nature of cooperative in the study area?

4)          What are the problems of cooperative?

5)          What are the possible solution to the problem of Awgu local government?


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How To Improve Agricultural Production Through Cooperative