INTRODUCTION:Drug Resistant Tuberculosis is defined as tuberculosis that does not respondrnto antituberculosis agent. Data on the outcome of MDR/RR-TB and associated factors is highlyrnneeded to evaluate the efficiencies of the MDR/ RR-TB treatment program. However, Therntreatment outcome of MDR/RR-TB at St. Peter Specialized Hospital is not studied. rnOBJECTIVE: To assess treatment outcomes of MDR/RR-TB and its associated factors at St.rnPeter Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 2015 to 2020. rnMETHODS: A retrospective study was conducted among patients treated for drug-resistantrntuberculosis from January 2015 - December 2020 at St. Peter specialized hospital. This studyrnincluded 335 patients treated for multidrug resistant or rifampicine-resistant tuberculosis. Thernmain outcome variable was overall MDR/RR-TB treatment outcome classified as successful andrnpoor. Data were collected by trained nurses. Data entry and analysis were performed using Excelrnand SPSS. The relationship between MDR/RR-TB treatment outcome and associated factors wasrnevaluated by fitting logistic regression. The final multivariable logistic regression model was arngood fit for the data and had no multicollinearity issue. Statistical significance was considered atrnp