Five-year Survival Status Of Women Diagnosed With Cervical Cancer And Treatment Impact At Tikur Anbessa Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Retrospective Cohort Study

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Background: Worldwide, cancer of the cervix is one of the most common causes of cancer mortality amongrnwomen, with about 288,000 deaths each year. While it is the second leading cause of cancer mortality amongrnadult women globally, it is the most common cause of mortality in the economically emerging countriesrnincluding in sub-Saharan Africa. The reason for this high mortality is likely to be the poor access to earlyrndetection or screening and treatment services. There is no sufficient Published data on the treatment outcomernof cervical cancer in Ethiopia. This study would contribute to the evidence regarding the treatment outcomernof cervical cancer. rnObjectives: To assess the five-year survival among women who attended for treatment of cervical cancer. rnMethods: A hospital based retrospective cohort study was conducted at the Oncology Department of TikurrnAnbessa Specialized Hospital (TASH). Records of patients with a first diagnosis of cervical cancer werernselected from a two-year medical records of cervical cancer patients who attended the oncology departmentrnof TASH from September 11/2012 to September 11/2014GC.Survival Outcome was evaluated over thernsubsequent five-year period until 2014GC. Because of the practical challenges of determining actual survivalrnstatus, continuation in follow up (vs dropout from follow up) was used as a proxy indicator of survival.rnDescriptive statistics was employed to summarize basic sociodemographic and clinical variables. KaplanMeierrnandrnCox-regressionrnanalysisrnwasrnusedrntornevaluaternthernpotentialrnrolernofrnvariousrntreatmentrnmodalitiesrnrnonrnrnsurvival outcome. Crude and adjusted Hazard ratios with 95% Confidence intervals were presented asrnmeasure of association. Statistical tests resulting in a p-value of less than 0.05 were considered statisticallyrnsignificant. rnResults: Among 1008 cancer patients who were diagnosed and started Treatment at Tikur AnbessarnSpecialized Hospital Oncology Center during the two-year selection period ,418 had cervical cancer andrnwere included in the current study. At the end of the five-year only 9.9% (40) had survived in follow-up. Forrnthe majority, stage at presentation was late. Patients who arrived with later stages (Stage-III) cervical cancerrnhad lower follow-up survival probabilities compared with earlier stage [stage-0, (Carcinoma in situ)]rn[Adjusted Hazard Ratio=2.17; 95% -CI= 1.40,3.40]. rnThose who had received combination therapy (Radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery) have betterrnsurvival probability than those who were treated with Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy alone [Adjusted HR=rn(0.29, 95%CI, 0.84, 2.20), (2.52,95%-CI,1.80,3.40), and (2.02,95%-CI,1.10,3.80)] respectively. rnConclusion and recommendation: The clinical factors identified as factors for survival in follow-up (e.g.,rnstage at presentation) appear to justify using survival in follow-up as a proxy measure of survival. However, this is extremely crude proxy. Thus, well planned prospective study of survival is needed. Nevertheless, ifrnthe crude assumption is correct, ensuring access to early diagnosis, and treatment is an urgent priority forrnimproving survival of patient with cervical cancer in Ethiopia. There is a need of creating awareness, primaryrnprevention by vaccination, and increasing early detection programs to increase early stages at presentationrnwhich gives more opportunity to appropriate treatment. Furthermore, expanding more treatment centers andrnimplementation of advanced Technology like Linear accelerator, brachytherapy and PET-scan needs urgentrnattention.

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Five-year Survival Status Of Women  Diagnosed With Cervical Cancer And Treatment Impact At Tikur Anbessa Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia A Retrospective Cohort Study