Background: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality inrnEthiopia despite the increased availability of effective treatments. Trend analysis ofrnissues and priorities affecting TB programs across different regions of the country isrncritical to ensure equitable and sustainable TB outcomes. rnObjective: The study aimed to determine the trends of TB burden in Bahir Dar,rnNorthwest Ethiopia, for five years from 2015 to 2019. rnMethods: An institution-based retrospective study was conducted. Five-year data andrnrecords of individual cases screened for TB were reviewed from all government- andrnprivate-led healthcare facilities that implemented DOTs programs in Bahir Dar (N = 47)rnfrom January 1, 2015 to December 30, 2019. Data were collected with a data collectionrnformat adopted from the standard checklist of World Health Organization. The checklistrncontains unique code, age, sex, residence, HIV status, and year of diagnosis of subjects.rnFirst we categorized participants data and records based on their age as (