Effect Of Agricultural Policies Of The Federal Government In The Development Of Agricultural Cooperative In Nigeria (a Case Of Amuzi Agricultural Cooperative Ltd In Amuzi Obowo L. G. A)

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The main purpose of this research work is to determine the effect of agricultural policies of the federal government in the development of agricultural cooperative in Nigeria.

The population of this research study comprises 1450 members of the cooperative contacted by the researcher. The sample size of the study was 314 questionnaires were distributed to the members of the cooperative to guide this study. The findings of this research study are the agricultural policy of the federal government generate position effects in the development of agricultural cooperative, that cooperation benefit from the loan scheme provided by the federal government. That federal government makes farm inputs available for cooperative at subsidized rate. It was recommended  that the federal government should provide more infrastructure to agricultural cooperative in the rural areas to enable them distribute their farm produce to the utilization areas.


Title page       -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      i

Approval page        -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      ii

Dedication      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      iii

Acknowledgement -      -      -      -      -      -      -      iv

Abstract -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      v

Table of contents    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      vi


1.0  Introduction    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1

1.1  Background of the study-      -      -      -      -      2

1.2  Statement of the problems    -      -      -      -      6

1.3  Objectives of the study  -      -      -      -      -      7

1.4  Statement of hypothesis       -      -      -      -      -      8

1.5  Significance of the study       -      -      -      -      -      8

1.6  Scope of the study -      -      -      -      -      -      10

1.7  Limitation of the study   -      -      -      -      -      10

1.8  Definition of terms -      -      -      -      -      -      11


2.0  Literature review    -      -      -      -      -      -      13

2.1  definition of agriculture  -      -      -      -      -      13

2.2  Agricultural cooperative         -      -      -      -      14

2.3 The agricultural policy in Nigeria    -      -      -      15  

2.4  The objective of agricultural policy        -      -      18  

2.5  The concept of food security   -    -            -      19  

2.6  The objective of national programme   -      -      26

2.7  Key agricultural development, supportive and service   delivery programme of the federal government -      29

2.8  The effect impact of federal government development        in Nigeria         -      -      -      -      -      -      -      33


3.0  Research design methodology       -      -      -      -      37

3.1  Introduction    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      37

3.2  Research design     -      -      -      -      -      -      37

3.3  Source/methods of data collection-      -      -      39

3.4  Population and sample size    -      -      -      -      41

3.5  Sampling technique       -      -      -      -      -      41

3.6  Validity and reliability of measuring instrument    43

3.7  Method of data analysis  -      -      -      -      -      43


4.0  Presentation and analysis of data   -      -      -      44

4.1  Introduction    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      44

4.2  Presentation of data       -      -      -      -      -      -      45

4.3  Analysis of data      -      -      -      -      -      -      45

4.4  test of hypothesis   -      -      -      -      -      -      51

4.5  Interpretation of  result -      -      -      -      -      56


5.0  Summary, conclusion and recommendations-      57

5.1  Introduction    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      57

5.2  Summary of findings      -      -      -      -      -      57

5.3  Conclusion      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      59

5.4  Recommendation    -      -      -      -      -      -      59

       References      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      61

       Appendix        -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      62




Nigeria agricultural policy is the synthesis of the framework and action plans of government designed to achieve overall agricultural growth and development. It aims at self sustaining growth in all the sub-sectors of agriculture and the structural transformation necessary for the over all socio-economic development of the country as well as the improvement in the quality of agricultural cooperative.

The government also plays an important role in development agricultural cooperative through the provision of subsides as forms of assistance meant to help cooperative meet specific needs.

Subsides could be government soft loans, cash and fertilizer to subsidize the efforts of the cooperative, the objective is to support cooperative in their efforts so that at the end of the day there could be increase in their collective productivity of cooperative  products.

This first chapter of this research work on the effect of federal government agricultural policy in the development of agricultural cooperative in Obowo local government area of Imo state will highlight clearly the background of the study scope and limitation the study, research hypothesis. Definition of term along side with the reference.

Government regulation on effect of agricultural policies are rules made by governments in order to regulate and control the activities of agricultural programmes in the country.


Successive government in Nigeria before and after independent have developed sustained agriculture policies  that aids the operations, financing and assist in the direct and indirect development of agricultural cooperative the federal government of Nigeria realized the pivotal role which the enactment of agricultural policies have played in the adequate development of general economy and agricultural cooperative.

The effect of federal government agricultural policies of Nigeria from the pre-independent era till recent time have sustained a noticeable and a very effective development and support to the agricultural sector and it cooperative.

Evidently the Operation Feed the Nation (OPFN) of 1976 is institute by the regime of General Olusegun Obasajo as Head of state and commander in chief of the Nigeria Armed forces directed the entire Nation to the practice of agriculture through good policy objectives of Operation Feed the Nation (OPFN) Abraham B (1977).

The good policy objective further generated positive effect in the agricultural sector through the development of the palm produce of the Eastern the cocoa plantation of the western Nigeria and Nigeria and groundnut pyramid of the Northern Nigeria established by the pre-independent erra – regional development Board.

The development of agriculture cooperative sustained by this federal government agricultural policy witnessed a greater level of productivity form. Further sensitization  carried out by the federal and state ministry of agricultural programme.

The induction of thrift credit scheme and the enlightenment of rural farmer by agricultural agencies of the federal government paralleled the development of agricultural cooperative to a greater hight. Akinhabi (1983) pointed out the sensitization of agricultural cooperative in rural area to embark on large scales mechanised farming yielded  positive result to the increase of agricultural Export, gross Domestic product (GDP) and Gross National product (GNP).

The military government in Nigeria from 1983 also came with several agricultural development policies in Nigeria.

Evidently the establishment of directoral of food, road and rural infrastructure (DFRR) in 1991 supported the development of agricultural cooperative in Nigeria to a greater extent, the aims and good policy infrastructure (DFRRI) led to the development of several rural infrastructure that helps in provision of basic amenities for the transport and effective marketing of agricultural products which are produced by the agricultural cooperative in rural settlement.

The nascent democracy in Nigeria in 1999 came up with new federal government of agricultural policy under the able leadership of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo as president and commander-in-chiete of Nigeria Armed forces this policy promoted the development of agricultural sector in Nigeria through cooperative societies in Nigeria.

The good policy objective of this and administrative introduced community based agricultural quarantine services to provide swist emergency health protection services for livestock production in the Nigeria agricultural sector Akpan (2002).

Recently the present administration of president Umaru Musa yaradua have institute several agricultural policies to help in the development of agricultural  sector and food sufficiency in Nigeria. This policy is out lined in the 7-point agenda. This policy have developed several agricultural programmes in all the nook and carmines of Nigeria. This programmes include the FADAMA project, agricultural thrift credit services, Avia in-fluenza control programme, community based tractor services integrated farming schemes, seed developmental center project for the development of agricultural sector and its cooperative ademola (2007).

In a nutshell, the federal government agricultural policy of this present administration have developed further policy of private partnership (PPP) for the development of agricultural cooperative in Nigeria.

The proceeding chapters of this research work will do well to present detailed of all the federal government agricultural policies and its effect in the development of agricultural cooperative in Nigeria.


Over the years the determination and  identification of the effect of federal government of Nigeria agricultural policies in the development of agricultural cooperative in Nigeria have post a lot of problem in the provision of adequate statistical data, facts and figures that will enable the development of a constructive analysis geared towards the highlights of verifying the often to which federal government agricultural policies in Nigeria and its effect in the development of agricultural cooperative in Nigeria form the statement of the problem of this research.


The major objective of this study is to determine the effect of agricultural policy of the federal government in the development of agricultural cooperative  in Nigeria this study will also determine among other things which include the following.

i.            The concept of agriculture and agricultural cooperative

ii.           The agricultural policy in Nigeria and its cooperative

iii.         The key agricultural development supportive and services delivery programmes of the federal government in the development of agricultural cooperative in Nigeria.

iv.         The effect of agricultural policy of he federal government in the development of agricultural cooperative in Nigeria.


Ho;  The agricultural policies of the federal government do not have any effect on the development of agricultural     cooperative in Nigeria 

Hi: The agricultural policies of the federal government have       effect on the development of agricultural cooperative       Nigeria


This research work on the effect agricultural policies of the federal government in the development of agricultural cooperative will be of immense benefit in the following ways.

i.            The research study will provide a  well sensitized information to the public on the effect of federal government agricultural policy in the development of agricultural cooperative as well as the landmark determination of each policy  objective associated with different regimes and administration.

ii.           This research work will serve as a reference educational material that will enable student of the department of cooperative economics and management in federal polytechnic Nekede owerri and beyond to carry out further research in this subject matter.

iii.         It will also provide basic information to different agricultural cooperative societies and the needs to follow up new agricultural policies by its member.

iv.         This research finding will provide information to the government on how to develop more useful agricultural policies to boost agricultural cooperative development and massive food production in Nigeria.


The study is delimited to the effect of agricultural policy of federal government on the development of agricultural cooperative in Nigeria.

The study will consider relevant material on the agricultural policy towards the development of agricultural cooperative from research and academic libraries the data for the analysis of this research work will be obtained from most cooperative organization as selected by the researcher. The research cooperative sited as a case study within Obowo local government Area Imo State.

1.7  limitation of the study

The following limitation are inherent in this study.

i.            The inability of the researcher to include all cooperative organization in the state therefore the findings mad will be limited to the data from the case study selected for this research work.

ii.           The research findings and conclusion drawn from this work is limited to only the available information agreed to be provided by the members of the cooperative sited as a case study in this research work

iii.         The limitation inherent from time and financial constraint also limit the selection of more agricultural cooperative in this researcher work.


Agriculture:  This is the primary occupation in any given                       economy that provides food for human and                      animal consumption and raw materials for                           our industries. It also includes the processing                and marketing of crops.

Cooperative:According to (ICA) international cooperative                             alliance. Cooperative is an autonomous                                   association of persons united voluntarily to                       meet their common economic social and                            cultural needs and aspirations through a                          jointly owned and democratically controlled                            enterprise.

Development: According to oxford advanced learners                                  dictionary development means the                                          gradual growth of something so that it                                 becomes more advanced stronger.

Government:The group of people who are responsible for                                   controlling a country for controlling a country                    or  a state.

Policy:   A plan of action agreed or chosen by a political                  party (oxford advanced learners dictionary)



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Effect Of Agricultural Policies Of The Federal Government In The Development Of Agricultural Cooperative In Nigeria  (a Case Of Amuzi Agricultural Cooperative Ltd In Amuzi Obowo L. G. A)