The Activities Of Agricultural Co-operative Societies In Economic Development (a Case Study Of Selected Agricultural Co-operatives In Njikoka Local Government Area Anambra State)

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       The aim of this project work is to find out the role of Agricultural activities in Economic Development under co-operative societies, using the following selected farmers co-operative societies Ofuobi Agbagana farmer multi-pose co-operative society Ltd Reg No An1373, Chigozie farmers multi-pose co-operative society  ltd Reg No An1713, Naomi farmers multi-pose cooperative society ltd Nimo, Reg. No 3517, Umuobinaha Nawfia farmer multi-pose society ltd, Abba development farmers multi-pose co-operative society ltd Reg No EC 978 in Njikoka local government area Anambra state. In the course of this study, it has been noted that Agricultural co-operative society has aided a lot in solving multi-pose economic problems meanwhile, the role of Agricultural co-operative society has assisted to promote efficiency and qualitative productivity. This is because the farmers co-operative act as media for pooling the resources, via lard, labour and capital of small scale production, for extending credit and other input factor and for organizing collective marketing of their products in order to avoid the higher profit of capitalists. This study equally observed some pronounced achievement of co-operatives in the society especially in Anambra state which include the installation of 15 kv lister, public telephone booth health center and borehole etc. From the above fact, it was found out that cooperative enterprise has played a significant role in Agricultural Development in Anambra state with it benefit. Finally, some problems of dishonesty, non-chaplainry and distrust etc have been to the good performance of some co-operatives. Therefore recommend that public enlighten campaign, co-operative societies should be credited to facilitate co-operative movement in Nigeria.


Table of Contents

Title page       =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     i

Approval page        =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     ii

Dedication      =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     iii

Acknowledgement =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     iv

Abstract =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     v

Table of content     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     vi

List of tables   =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     vii

Chapter One

1.0      Introduction    =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     1

1.1  Background of the study=     =     =     =     =     =     1

1.2  Statement of problems  =     =     =     =     =     =     3

1.3  Objective of the study    =     =     =     =     =     =     3

1.4 Research Question =              =     =     =     =     =     =     4

1.4  Research hypothesis      =     =     =     =     =     =     5

1.5  Significance of the study=     =     =     =     =     =     6

1.6  Scope of the study=     =     =     =     =     =     =     6

1.7  Definition of terms  =     =     =     =     =     =     =     7

Chapter Two

2.0      Review of related literature    =     =     =     =     =     8

2.1      Introduction    =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     8

2.2      Management of agriculture    =     =     =     =     =     9

2.3      Problem of financing system in agriculture cooperative10

2.4      Political and legal factor in agriculture cooperative              12

2.5      Impact of agricultural co-operative as vehicles for economic development   =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     17


Chapter Three

3.0      Research design and methodology=     =     =     =     21

3.1      Sources of data      =     =     =     =     =     =     =     22

3.2      Sample procedure   =     =     =     =     =     =     =     22

3.3      Method of data analysis  -      -      =     =     =     =     23

3.4      Sample selection=  =     =     =     =     =     =     =     23

Chapter Four

4.0      Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data  =     25

4.1      Presentation of data       =     =     =     =     =     =     =     25

4.2      Analysis of data      =     =     =     =     =     =     =     26

4.3      Test of Hypothesis  =     =     =     =     =     =     =     34

Chapter Five

5.0      Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation 44

5.1      Summary of findings      =     =     =     =     =     =     44

5.2      Recommendation    =     =     =     =     =     =     =     46

5.3      Conclusion      =     =     =     =     =     =     =     =     49










1.1     Background of the Study

       It is not out of place to state that mutuality, which was the basic norms of social living in Africa, contributed to the rise of co-operation activities in Nigeria just like in other African countries. Indeed, co-operative movement was brought into third world from India, with the aim of stimulating indigenous economics activities.

       Agricultural co-operatives cover all the co-operatives activities, which are aimed at helping the farmers in their professional capacity as a producer.

       Among the activities of agricultural co-operatives is the farmer’s co-operative society. This set agricultural co-operative is very vital, most especially in reaching the rural farmers who correctly constitute the bulk of producers in Nigeria.

       Farmers co-operatives society are the channels use in pooling resources of the peasant farmer together, vis; labor, capitals and land in order to take advantage of economics of scales for extending credit and other farm input factors and organizing collective marketing, for their products to offset high profit motive of the capitalist businessman.

       In Njikoka Local government area, prior to 1935 ordinance, there has been proliferation of farmers co-operatives, they were known as work and labour group, they scattered everywhere in the six towns that made up the local government area. Among the farmers co-operatives were later identified as OUOBI ABAGANA MULTI-PURPOSE CO-OPERATIVE LTD, ABBA DEVELOPMENT FARMERS MULTI-PURPOSE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD REG NO. EC978. The multiplication of these types of co-operative was as a result of pressing needs for consumer’s goods among the villagers.

       However, by 1980, it became obvious to many cooperative administrators that the type of zeal skills and occupations and products of the local government needs a co-operative that will solve their problem. This led to the evolution farmer’s multi-purpose co-operative society.

1.2     Statement of Problems

This study intends to find out the following problem.

    i.        Why farmers co-operatives have not been able to achieve much despite government support.

   ii.        The reason for the poor position of farmers co-operatives in Njikoka local government area.

 iii.        Why farmer co-operatives in Nigeria are financially bankrupt despite their avenues of income generations.

1.3     Objective of the Study

The basic objectives of this research are to assists the researcher achieve the following.

1.  Find out the socio-economic background of farmers co-operative movement in the study area.

2.  To find out the number of co-operative societies membership, six compositions and that types of co-operatives societies in the local government.

3.  To find out the number of liquidate farmer’s co-operative societies in the last few year.

4.  To find out the number of secondary farmers co-operatives societies existing in Njikoka local government area and the role they play in Agricultural Development.

5.  To find out the major activities handled by some selected active farmers co-operatives

6.  To find out the extent of state government involvement in the farmers co-operative activities.

7.  To assess the performance, success, and prospects of farmers co-operatives movement in development.

8.  To make suggestions and recommendation for improvement of farmers co-operatives Njikoka local government.

1.4     Research Questionnaires

1.  What is the socio-economic background of farmers co-operative movement in the study area.

2.  What is the number of cooperatives societies, membership, sex compositions and the type of co-operative societies in the local government.

3.  What is the number of liquidate farmers co-operative societies existing in Njikoka local government area and the role they play in Agricultural development.

4.  What are the major activities handled by some selected active farmer co-operatives.

5.  What is the extent of state government involvement in the farmers co-operative activities.

1.5     Hypothesis

Deriving from the above questions following hypothesis will be tested.

1.  Socio-economic background determines the type of farmers co-operative necessary in an area.

2.  Socio-economic background does not determine the type of farmers co-operatives in an area.

3.  The number of farmers co-operative societies existing in an area is not an indication of people’s determination for self help and self improvement.



1.6     Significance of the Study

This research is aimed at finding out the activities of Agricultural co-operative society in Njikoka local government area of Anambra state.

       Agricultural co-operatives have been entangled with many problems like poor management, lack of farm inputs, lack of efficient credit system and dishonesty. It is the researcher’s to find out the existence or otherwise these problems that often associated with agricultural co-operative movement.

The study will also serve as a guide for further studies on farmers co-operative society in other local government area of Anambra state or else where. It will also be of vital use to policy makers in their effort to improve co-operative administration in Nigeria at large.

1.7     Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research is limited to the geographical and political boundaries of Njikoka local government area that are made up of the following towns, Enugu-Ukwu, Nimo, Nawfia, Abagana, Abba and Enugu-Agidi.

1.8      Definition of terms

1.  Agriculture: Agriculture includes the growing of crops, rearing of animals, birds and fishing as well as the processing, distribution and selling of the produce and their bye-products.

2.  Co-operative: This is a relationship between man and man towards making a living, in wider explanation; it is the coming together of various achieves their felt needs.

3.  Development: This is referred to the level of control which members of a given society have been able to establish over their natural environment personally development can be seen to be advancement shifting from one point to another from crude to the refined and ineffective states, and that is growth plus change.

4.  Self help: This means self-reliance, self dependence and self-confidence.

5.  N.G.O Non-Government organization, it is an organization that is not been controlled by the government.

6.  Farmers: These are the people who engage in the carrying out the activities of agriculture.


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The Activities Of Agricultural Co-operative Societies In Economic Development