Evaluation Of Computer Science Education Programme In Enugu State College Of Education (technical)

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        The study evaluated computer science education programme in Enugu State College of Education, Technical, Enugu. Four research questions were asked and ensured.

The research method used is survey type.

The population of the study is 1262 (one thousand two hundred and sixty two). Data were corrected from two hundred students (200) and five (5) lecturers of the department of computer science Education in ESECT. The instrument used was questioner. The instrument was validated by the academic staff of the computer science education in ESECT. The questioners were administered and collected fro data analysis.

The data collected were analyzed using means. After analysis it was fund out that the following responses were indicated by having high mean value. The major findings of the study were inadequate of conducive offices for working, unsteady power supply for practical, inability of the students to write programming language.  Based on this recommendations the school authority should help in providing steady power supply, computer laboratory for practical    


















Title page                                                                    i

Approval page                                                              ii

Dedication                                                                   iii

Acknowledgment                                                          iv

Abstract                                                                       v

Table of content                                                           vi    

CHAPTER ONE                                                   

Introduction                                                                 1

Background of the study                                               1

Statement of the problem                                             4

Purpose of the study                                                    5

Significance of the study                                               5

Research questions                                                      6

Scope of study                                                              7

CHAPTER TWO                                           

Review Related Literature                                             8

Relevance of computer in education                       8

Methodology of Teaching computer education         11

Application of computer in other area of life                   15

Contribution of computer in ICT                                     17

Materials for Teaching/Learning of computer education   18


Research methodology                                                  20

Design of the study                                                       20

Area of study                                                                20

Population of the study                                                 20

Sample and Sampling Techniques                                  21

Validation of the instrument                                           22

Administration of the instrument                                   22   

Decision rule                                                                 24


Data presentation and analysis                                     25

CHAPTER FIVE                                           

Discussion of findings                                                   34

Conclusion of findings                                                    37

Implication of the study                                                 38

Limitations of the study                                                39

Recommendations                                                         39

Summary                                                                     40

References                                                                   42

Questionnaire                                                               44                           




Background of the Study

        Enugug State College of Education (Technical) is about the youngest higher institution in the state. The institution started with several schools and department. Computer science Education is one of the departments in the school of Science Education. Most of the basic sciences both physical and natural sciences are combined with computer science education. This is an indication that computer science is about the biggest department in terms of population. One cannot evaluate computer science education effectively without having full knowledge of computer. According to Odo (2005), computer can be defined as an electronic device that can:

1.      Accept data

2.      store data

3.      manipulate  data as information and

4.      produce an intelligible result  (information) as an output.

According to BBC English dictionary courtesy of education tax fund (2003), Computer is an electronic machine that makes quick calculations and data deals with large amount of information. Onah (2003), further described computer as an electronic machine that accepts data through the input unit, process data through the central processing unit and produce information through output unit.

        On the other hand, education is defined as the inculcation of skill, knowledge, values, attitude and norms that are both formal and informal to the leaner (Eze, 2001).

        According to Odo, Ede and Ezike (2000) education is what happens to human beings from the day they are born to the day they die. Also Nzeneri (2005), defined education as any planned series of incidents, having humanistic basic and directed towards the participants learning and understanding. Today, computer system has helped in making human activities easy. Computer has also helped in information, communication and technology which make communication easy and common. Accountants also use computers in their day-to-day business transaction. Managers in different companies use computer to calculate job estimate of some certain projects. Computer provides assistance in school word processing, school administration, data storage and retrieval. Computer as an instructional tool that presents and interprets the response known as computer assisted instruction (CAI). CAL provides individualized instruction in the form known as computers management instruction (CMI). It can also be used in educational research to control laboratory experiment. Similarly computers are used in experimental data processing. Most analyses which make our life relatively easy are done by computers. Olinya (2003) stated that all the efforts of human being in education are geared towards the easiest, quickest and most  reliable way for students to learn and make good use of computers.

Similarly Odo (2005) emphasized that Nigeria government is not neglecting their responsibilities for making schools to succeed in achieving her national goal for technological development.

        Computer science education study are available in Enugu state college of education (Technical) and is not left-out as well as other colleges  of education at both  federal and state level. Computers are used as teaching aid or instructional tools in colleges of education.

Computer education is therefore a recent development in our educational institutions.

Statement of the Problem

        Poor performance is one of the problems facing computer education students in our school. This problem was as a result of lack of teaching materials source. Computer science laboratory is another problem facing computer students in our school. We don’t have enough laboratory accommodate the population of students in our school as management lacked found to build spacious computer laboratories.


Purpose of the Study

        The purpose of the study is to evaluate computer science education programme in Enugu state college of education (Technical) Enugu, specifically the study sought to:

i.        Ascertain the teaching methods used in teaching computer education in ESCET.

ii.       Ascertain the problems encountered by teachers in teaching computer science education.

iii.     Ascertain performance of students in computer science education.

iv.     Determine the effectiveness of curriculum in computer education.

v.      Determine the qualification level of computer teachers in college of education.

Significance of the Study

        The study would be of immense benefit to the students when the study is published and the evaluation is valid. It would also be of benefit to the teachers when published in other to find out if there are some missing links in the evaluation. The study would help teachers to find out how effective the curriculum is. Also it would save teachers time in teaching a large group of students practical based on the provision of facilities available.

        Students would also benefit from the study if some of their problem would be identified by the study. Students would also perform better after getting feedback on evaluation of the study.

        Finally, the study would also be of benefit to the ministry of education and curriculum builders of colleges of Education such as National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE).

Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study.

1.      What are the problems of lecturers in teaching computers science education in ESCET?

2.      What are the methods of teaching computer science education in Enugu state college of education (Technical) Enugu (ESCET)?

3.      What are the qualifications of computer science lecturers in ENugu state college of education (Technical) Enugu?

4.      What is the performance of the students of computer science education in Enugu state college of education (Technical) Enugu?

Scope of Study

        This research work is limited to the entire population of computer students and lecturers in Enugu state college of education (Technical) Enugu.

The study evaluated the teaching and learning processes in the department of computer science Education in ESCET. The study also evaluated the problems of teaching and learning process in computer science Education.




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Evaluation Of Computer Science Education Programme In Enugu State College Of Education (technical)