Design And Implementation Of Afaan Oromo Spell Checker

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Developing language applications or localization of software ;s a resource intensive task Ihalrnrequires the active participation of stakeholders with various backgrounds (i.e. from lingllislicrnand campl/llI/iollal perspecli'e~~. With a cons/ani increase in /he amou1Ifs of electronicrninformation and the diverJ'ily of languages which are used to produce them, these challenges getrncompounded. Various researches ;n the fields of computotionollinguis/ics and computer sciencernhave been carried oul while slill many more are on Iheir way 10 alleviate such problems. Spellrnchecker is one pOlential candidate 10 this. Use 0/ compUlers for document preparation is one ofrnthose many ,asks undertaken by different organizations. Introducing texts /0 word processingrntools may result in spelling errors. Hence, texl processing applica/ion software has !>pellrncheckers. Inlegraling spell checker in/o word processors reduces Ihe amount of time alld energyrnlpentto find and correct/he misl-peJ/ed lYord. However, these lools are not ami/able for A/aanrnOromo language, Lowland East Cushitic sub-family of the Afro-asialic s/lper·phylum languagernfamily spoken in Ethiopia. In this thesis, we describe the design aml implementation 0/ AfaWlrnOromo spell checker.rnMorphology ba~ed (i.e. dictionary look-up with morphological rule!>) computational model wasrnemployed to design and develop Afaan Oromo Spell Checker (AOSq. Algorithms Ihat take Ihernmorphological properties of Afaan Oromo into consideration are developed/rom scratch andrnapplied, as there are no previous such allemplS. The proposed system was evaluated using Iworndatasets 0/ different size. The experiment result shows thai the lexicon size and nIles in thernknowledge base play a vital role to recognize the valid input word, flag Ihe invalid word andrngenerate correct suggestion/or Ihe misspelled word.rnIn general, the algorilhms and techniques used in this study oblained good performance whenrncompared to the other resource-rich languages like English The resalt obtained encourages thernIIndertaking of further research in the area, especially wil the aim of developing a full-fledgedrnAfaan Oromo spell checker.

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Design And Implementation Of Afaan Oromo Spell Checker