rise building (HRB) projects at industry level and based on the study it recommends solution to full fillrnthe gap between them and indicate that such projects should be implemented by local contractors (atrnleast 85%) as its implementation is much connected to country’s development. The other objectivernof the research is to explore whether all political, economic, social, technological, environmentalrnand legal factors (PESTEL) have very close relationship with high rise building constructionrnand to aware all stake holders in development of country’s PESTEL. However unless suchrnprojects are not implemented by citizens of the country the development of the country and thernwelfare of the citizens will not be achieved because the jobs were occupied by foreigners and needrnof too many foreign currencies for international contractors.rnDifferent literatures are reviewed to show the relationship between the implementation of highrnrise building and country’s PESTEL development. This research was attempted to assess the currentrnsituation and formulate and give recommendations with respect to high rise construction inrnaccordance with the outcome of the paper. The main tools for the collection of data included casernstudy, questionnaires, interviews and site visit were used to identify the various efforts that havernbeen made in the past and to evaluate and examine the reason of hiring foreign contractors onrnHRB construction project. Simple statistical analysis involving tables and percentages were usedrnin analyzing the results from the questionnaire.rnThe analysis and discussion part classifies causes of performance difference in to four major parts,rnthat is the General, Managerial, Technological and Technical parts. Hence according to the casernstudy, the respondents and analysis of data the single out standing cause of hiring internationalrncontractor is lack of foreign currencies which is found in Managerial part. Again based on top fifteenrnfactors analysis the Managerial part contributes more factors which causes hiring of internationalrncontractors such as, poor enterprise management and poor quality management.rnAs per the result of this study the researcher recommends that there should be a mechanism thatrnlocal contractors get foreign currency in timely manner with the help of government and all stakeholders.rnIn addition to that managerial capacity of local contractors should be continuously upgradedrnby on job and off job training with cooperation of government and concerned stakeholders.