Online Examination (computer Based Test)

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Online Examination (Computer Based Test)

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Online examinations are an important method of evaluating the success potential of students. This research effort the individuals under consideration were students who would be enrolling in computer courses or Technologies Registrations. A prototype of a web-based placement examination system is described from the standpoint of the research effort, end user, and software development.

                                  An on-line educational system including exam processing and electronic journal features. An instructor builds a course based questions which on-line contain in identification of assignments. Which are compiled into an on-line exam syllabus?

Users enrolled in the platform may access the electronic details they provided and perform various functions with the on-line educational system in order to participate in the on-line examinations. Users can receive an on-line exam, having multimedia content, for the course, and they can electronically provide answers for the exam. And after Completion of their duration of exam they are provided  the grade or marks secured in their examinations.




Table of Content


     S. N            CONTENTS                                                                                                 


1.                   INTRODUCTION  

     2.                    ANALYSIS

                  2.1            SYSTEM ANALYSIS

                   2.2            SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS                                                                               

    3.                    DESIGN APPROACH

                3.1            INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN

                    3.2            UML DIAGRAMS

                    3.3             DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS

                    3.4              E-R DIAGRAMS

     4.                       PROJECT MODULES

     5.                     IMPLEMENTATION

                    4.1            CONCEPTS AND TECHNIQUES

                    4.2            TESTING

                                     4.2.1        TEST CASES                           

     6.                    OUTPUT SCREENS                                                                                                           

  7.                    CONCLUSION                                                   

  8.                     FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS     

  9.                     BIBILIOGRAPHY    



On-line examinations contents providers to focus on creating effective assessment questions and focusing on exam’s feedback delivery to students. In the paper we present techniques that are pertinent to the elements of assessment process: answers submission, computerized grading, and feedback after submission.


    As the modern organizations are automated and computers are working as per the instructions, it becomes essential for the coordination of human beings, commodity and computers in a modern organization.


The administrators, instructor, Students who are attending for online examination can communicate with the system through this projects, thus facilitating effective implementation and monitoring of various activities of Online Examinations like conducting Exams as per scheduled basis and delivering result to that particular use or student. And the details of students who attempted Online Examination are maintained at administrator.





1. Existing System


 Existing system is a manual one in which users are maintaining books to store the information like Student Details, Instructor Details, Schedule Details and feedbacks about students who attempted exam as per schedule.. It is very difficult to maintain historical data.





The following drawbacks of existing system emphasize the need for computerization:


       1. A lot of copies of question papers have to be made

       2. A lot of correction work hence delay in giving the results

       3. A lot of tabulation work for each subject results


2. Proposed System



This application is used to conduct online examination.  The students can sit at individual terminals and login to write the exam in the given duration. . The questions have to be given to the students. This application will perform correction, display the result immediately and also store it in database. This application provides the administrator with a facility to add new exams. This application provides the  Instructor  add questions to the exam, modify questions in the exam in a particular exam. This application takes care of authentication of the administrator, Instructor as well as the student.



3. Objective of the System


            The objective of the Online Examination  Tool is to provide better information for the users of this system for better results for their maintainence in student examination schedule details and grading details.



                         System Specifications



Hardware Requirements:-


·        Pentium-IV(Processor).

·        256 MB Ram

·        512 KB Cache Memory

·        Hard disk 10 GB

·        Microsoft Compatible 101 or more Key Board



Software Requirements: -


·        Operating System :           Windows


·        Web-Technology:              PHP


·        Front-End:                          HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT


·        Back-End:                           MySQL


·        Web Server:                       Apache SERVER.





  Design is the first step in the development phase for any techniques and principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or system in sufficient detail to permit its physical realization.


Once the software requirements have been analyzed and specified the software design involves three technical activities - design, coding, implementation and testing that are required to build and verify the software.


The design activities are of main importance in this phase, because in this activity, decisions ultimately affecting the success of the software implementation and its ease of maintenance are made. These decisions have the final bearing upon reliability and maintainability of the system. Design is the only way to accurately translate the customer’s requirements into finished software or a system.

Design is the place where quality is fostered in development. Software design is a process through which requirements are translated into a representation of software. Software design is conducted in two steps. Preliminary design is concerned with the transformation of requirements into data.

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Online Examination (computer Based Test)