Design And Implementation Of Network-based Security Information System

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Law enforcement administrations, Justice systems, legislators and the government functuraries often need information to efficiently disseminate and fulfill their official responsibilities of ensuring maximum security for their subjects.  To achieve this, a system of information technology network is needed to aid the management in decision taking about the security of lives and properties.  In this work “DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A NETWORK BASED SECURITY INFORMATION SYSTEM” O will take a case study of “B’OPS COMMUNICATION OF POLICE SHQ ENUGU” as an existing information network system in the police and analyze their process of data collection and hence design a new system which will enhance the output.



The objective of this program is strictly for the production of a reliable system of nationwide crime statistical information from all nooks and craings for administrative and operational use of the executive and law enforcement management system. Another objective of this work is to make an improvement in the existing data security system.  To create a way of speedy data collections for security analysis.  For a network of information technology for security purpose and create a standard management information system forecasting for security together with good decision taking, planning and control programs.


1.2            JUSTIFICATION

The process of executing the task of information management has been manually executed, quite unfortunately, the manual procedure reduces the output quality and consume time.

          This work will examine a new system where the much needed human efforts are replaced with machines to achieve fast collection of data and easy processing to obtain healthy outputs.

          Also the need for information and data in the knowledge base does not only answer to the problem of information over load but also helps in a state of crime statistics request, therefore the computerization of some of this areas is very necessary because its  importance in making crime investigators imbibe new and modernized methods and create public awareness of the society security policy.




2.0            SECURITY CONCEPT

Security is defined in many ways due to the many contexts of its existence.  In otherwords, security generally has to do with protection.  It might be protection from undue access.  Some attributes security to safe guiding from that which may or may not lead to destruction.  It might also be interesting to understand that security has to do with protection of the environment.  It also has to do with valuables, this means that anything has to be secured must have value.  Things of less importance to humanity and therefore anything that pose threat to life must also be prevented.  Security is a very important issue in any organization (system), no wonder VINCENT.E.ASOR in his seminar presentation at the Nigerian computer society’s conference of 2002 stated that an organization with 98 percent security is actually 100 percent insecure.  This means that adequate security must be in place for a smooth running of an organizational affair or a system.  The police which is the case study organsiation here defined security in the police training manual as the protection of lives and property coupled with the maintainance of law and order in a society.



They are criminal acts which have a particular harmful effects on peoples lives and property and do more than interfere with merely private rights.  They are simply crimes.  Now the above brings us to the crime concept.  What is crime? According to the BLACKSTONE, crime is violation of public rights and duties due to the whole community considered as a community.  Williams defined crime as acts that is capable of being followed by a criminal proceedings having one of the types of outcome – punishments.

          Also Hulsbury’s law (adopted by the House of Lord’s in Board of Trade V. Owen 1957 as correct) defined crime as an unlawful act or default which is an offence against the public and render the person quilty of the act liable to legal punishment.

          The summary of the above crime definitions by the police manual defined crime as an unlawful act committed by a person or a group of persons.



They are wrong doings which Judges have held, or the parliament has from time to time laid down which are sufficiently injurious to the public to warrant the application of a criminal procedure to deal with them, of course this does not enable us to recognize an act as a crime when we see one.  Some acts are obviously harmful to the public that anyone would say they should be criminal and such acts almost certainly are, but there are many others about which opinions may differ widely.  According to SIR CARLETON ALLEN, crime is crime because it consists of wrongdoings which directly and in serios degree threatens the security or well being of the society.  This explains why acts have to be made crimes either by Judicial decisions or by legislation.  A crime may remain a crime long after it has ceased to be a threat to the security or well-being of the society.  THUS ALLEN’S proposition tells us what (as he thinks) ought to be crime rather than what is crime. The public nature of crimes is evidenced by the contrast between the rulers of civil and criminal procedure.  Any citizen can, as a general rule and in the absence of some provision to the contrary bring a criminal prosecution, whether or not he has suffered any special harm over and above other members of the public.  As a member of the public he has an interest in the enforcement of the criminal law.



There is a problem that exist in the crime reporting system in Nigeria and especially the B’Ops comminication of the police, Enugu State branch in particular.  This arises in the variations in definition of crimes among localities.  This obstacle, as far as uniformity in definitions is concerned was removed by the adoption of a standard set ofcrime classification. To some extent the title of each classification generally commotes its content.  However in reading the explanation of each category, it is very important to keep in mind that because of the differences between the state codes, there is no possibility in a system such as ‘felong’ and ‘misdemeamour’.

          Crime classifications are in three categories.  Viz crime against persons, crimes against property and crime of violence or crime against local acts.

          Crime against persons include:

-                     Murder and non negligent manslaughter

-                     Aggravates assault

-                     Forcible rape

-                     Robbery


Crime against property includes:-

-                     Burglary

-                     Arson

-                     Stealing

-                     Forgery and counterfeiting

-                     Vandalism


Crimes against local acts include:

-                     Nacortic

-                     Illegal possession, carrying of weapons

-                     Prostitution and commercialized vice.

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Design And Implementation Of Network-based Security Information System