Learner-centered Approach In Large Classes A Survey In Thirteen Selected First Cycle Primary Schools In Gedeo Zone Snnpr

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This study investigated the learner-centered approach's degree ofrnapplication in present schools conditions comparing with the desired effectivernapplication. To accomplish the objectives of the study thirteen first cyclernprimary schools from Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' RegionrnISNNPRJ, Gedeo Zone were selected as a sample. A questionnaire, mostly,rnconsisted of close-ended items with ' disagree', 'yes' or ' no ', ' high', 'average'rnand' low' , and some multiple choice statements.rnIt was distributed to 145 head teachers and teachers of thirteen samplernschools. Total collections of completed and usable questionnaires were 145 inrnnumber (100%). Responses were tallied in order to convert frequencies intornpercentages to answer the basic questions raised in the Chapter One of thisrnpaper.rnThe major findings were (i) on administrational areas present practicesrnwere found to be satisfactory whereas instructional practices were unsatisfactory.rn(ii) urban and rural schools are equally facing critical problems of large classes,rn(iii) the objective reality of large classes inhibit teachers from applying learnercenteredrnapproach in multi grades teaching system (teaching in different gradesrnand sections). Thus present teaching-learning process under such situationsrnfound to be unsatisfactory, and (iv) respondents were found to be positiverntowards self-contained classroom teaching as a remedial suggestion provided forrneffective application of learner-centered approach in self-contained large classes.

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Learner-centered Approach In Large Classes A Survey In Thirteen Selected First Cycle Primary Schools In Gedeo Zone Snnpr