Major Factors Affecting The English Achievement Upper Primary School Pupils In Gondar Town

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The quality of ed uca tion as reflected in academic achievementrncan not be divorced from the complex set of social andrnedu ca tional factors which interplay to affect l earningrnprocesses and outcomes. The question "what makes a differ e ncernin academic performance?" has been addressed by differ entrnresearchers from both the developed and the developingrncountries. Within the developed countr i es much i s known aboutrnthe determinant - achievement relationships. In the developingrncountries, how ever, the findings are inconclusive andrnin co nsistent.rnThe purpose of the study was to examine the extent t o whichrnvariables used in the Educational Production Function and thernProcess-Product research approaches explain differences inrngrade five and six pupi Is ' Engl ish achievement. Specifically,rnthe study attemptecl to inves tigate the relative impact onrnpupils' achievement of seven home, six pupil, six schoolcrnlassr oom ancl eleven teacher relat ed variables.rnThis task was accompl ished by regressing thirty ind e pendentrnvariables for each grade le vel . The dependent variable used asrna cri terion measure was achievement test prepared by therninvestigator based on the objectives and contents determined byrnthe Ministry of Education for the respective grade levels. Thernthirty ind e pend ent variables were selected on the basis ofrnreview of lit eratu r e. Information on the independent variablesrnwas secured using three basi c t oo ls of data coll ec tion:rnQuestionnnaire, school and classroom inventory, and classroomrnevaluation rating scale.rnThe r e lationship between the thirty independ en t var iabl es andrnpupils ' achievement at each grade l eve l was analysed by thernmethod of multipl e r eg ression. A var iahl e's statistical impactrnon the dependent variable was acceptecl as s i gnificant at 0 . 05rna level or better .rnResults of the analysis revealed that variables describingrnhome, pupil. school-classroom and teacher attributes haverndifferential impacts on students ' English achievement: somernva ria b l es (s uch as class r epet ition, father 's education andrnplanning sk il l) showed statisti ca lly significant impacts whil ernothers (such as pup l sex, class-size, and family-size) exer t edrnnonsignifi ca nt influence. Based on these findin gs some basicrnconclusions are r eac hed and related r ec omm enda tion s forwarded

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Major Factors Affecting The English Achievement Upper Primary School Pupils In Gondar Town